Chapter 29

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Kristen's POV

I was going to do whatever it took to get Joey back.  Honestly I felt like a total skank.  In less than a month I had gone through two boys who were roommates.  That's really bad, and I felt terrible about it.  Joey pulled back from me first.  "Woah," was all he said.  "What?" I asked, not knowing what that was supposed to mean.  "Let's start with I wasn't expecting that."  I laughed, but it was a nervous laugh.  He was not giving me any emotional hints.  "Well was it good?"   I asked him.  His expression didn't change but his eyes flickered with excitement.  "Well I guess.  I really did like you."  Someone began to approach us.  "Hey guys, sorry, but you gotta move.The next signing here starts soon"  I blushed, realising everyone could see what had just happened.  "Yeah, sure."  Joey replied to the man.  He grabbed my hand and lead me to another room that wasn't in use.  My stomach turned at his touch.  That was something that didn't happen with Sawyer.  "Why are you doing this to me?"  He asked, not letting go of my hand.  "I just made a huge mistake.  I really want you.  You are the person that makes my heart race, my stomach flip, and my face blush.  I want that back."  I was practically begging him.  I might as well have been down on my knees asking him.  "Well I guess that I could give it another try..."  Joey said, glancing down at his feet.  "Really?"   My heart skipped  a beat.  "Yeah."  His response was simple.  "Can we just start over then?"  If we did, it would make things so much easier.  "Hey.  I don't believe we've met.  I'm Joey Graceffa."

Joey's POV

Honestly, I was really happy that Kristen came to vidcon and apoligised.  I really liked her, and there was no way I would have gotten over her.  "Hi, I'm Kristen."  She replied with a huge smile covering her face.  "Would you like to come and hang out with me tonight at the vidcon after-party?  I need a date."  Her eyes lit up, showing her enthusiasm.  "YES OMG YES!"  She squealed and threw her arms around my neck.  Her perfume smelled really good.  We walked out of the room hand in hand to the main building.  Immediately, two girl approached us  "Hey Joey!  I love you!"  One girl said.  She looked over to Kristen and seemed confused.  "Uh didn't you two break up?"  She asked with a nasty attitude.  "Yeah, you just vlogged about it," the other girl chimed in.  I could see Kristen blush.  She had a few tears in her eyes and was obviously upset.  "Well girls, we decided to give it another shot," I replied, giving Kristen's hand a small squeeze to reassure her.  A small smile crept across her face.  "Ok then... Good luck."  They replied and walked away.  Obviously they were really rude.  The rest  of the day passed and we headed to the after-party.  "Let me introduce you to my friends!  Is there anyone specifically that you wanted to meet?"  She smiled and thought for a moment.  "Can you introduce me to Doug?  I really want to meet him.  Oh and Mirandasings.  And Tyler Oakley.  And Lohanthony!"  She practically ran out of breath.  "Good thing we have a few hours!!"

*Bonus* Sawyer's POV

I knew it was the right thing to help Kristen and Joey, but it sure didn't seem like it.  I really liked Kristen.  I felt kinda depressed ever since strangers finished because I didn't have anything to do, so it was really nice to have a girl to talk to.  I was so upset with everything that I left vidcon before the after-party. When I got home, I went on twitter.  "Send me some snapchats guys!  I'll reply to some." In just a few minutes, I had over 500 snapchats.  Most of them were derp faces.  Finally I got to a different one.  Someone had snapped a pic of the vidcon after party, and Joey and Kristen were in the middle kissing. I threw my phone at the wall.  So much for ignoring them tonight.  

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