Chapter 23

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Kristen's POV

I had to leave as soon as possible, so I left when Joey walked out of the room.  I practically sprinted away from his house.  I was about to call Alanna when I realised I couldn't.  There was no way I could tell her what happened.  I kissed the guy she was practically in love with.  Instead of keeping the guilt in, I decided to call my friend back home, Annelise.  She loved both of the guys and was always there to help me when I needed it.  I dialed her number into my phone.  "Hey!"  She said.  "Hey.  Look, I've got something I need to talk about.  Maybe you can help."  I had to restrain the tears from coming out while I drove home.  "Yeah, sure.  What's up??"  The words flowed out of my mouth and I explained everything that had happened over the past few weeks.  "Alright, 2 things first.  1) YOU ARE DATING JOEY????? THAT"S CRAZY!  And 2) YOU KISSED SAWYER?!? YOU ARE SO LUCKY HOLY CRAP!"  I laughed.  "Well now I'm in a huge mess so I wouldn't really say that I'm 'lucky'."  She laughed at my remark.  "Well I think you just need to sort out you feelings and then tell Joey."  My heart fell into the pit of my stomach.  "You think that I need to TELL JOEY?  He will kill me.  By the way, Alanna will kill me,too."  I heard a sigh.  "Oh yeah.  Well you should tell her first.  You really don't want her to find out from someone who may also know what happened.  You never know who might find out crap like this."  This was true.  "I guess I just need some time to chill out and understand what the heck has happened to my life."

Joey's POV

That was the weirdest thing I'd seen Kristen do  She just ran out on me.  "Sawyer," I yelled.  "Yeahhh Joey."  He walked out of the bathroom in a towel.  "Did something happen to Kristen?  She seemed really off."  His face dropped and turned white.  "No man.  Nothing that I know."  I could tell that he was lying.  "Tell me.  I know you are hiding something."  For a minute, his face remained still and he refused to speak to me.  "Sawyer.  I will find out one way or another. Just tell me."  At this point, I was slightly nervous to see what he was hiding from me. "Alright.  Don't get mad.  We were cleaning up our breakfast when I kissed her.  Don't blame Kristen though.  She told me to back off."  Anger began to flow through me.  I could feel my face heating up.  "WHAT THE HELL? Really Sawyer? So first you mess with my relationship and then you KISS HER?? You just couldn't back off a girl for once could you?  You're such a douchebag!"  This was the worst thing that anyone had ever done to me.  "I know.  I really am.  I'm so sorry."  Wow.  "You really think that will cut it?  Maybe I should punch you right across the face.  I won't, but I should."  He backed away a little bit.  "Look, please just don't blame Kristen.  It's not her fault."  I began to walk out of the room.  "I need time.  If you are smart at all Sawyer, you will give it to me."  As I left, I was already planning on what to say to Kristen.  

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