Chapter 26

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Kristen's POV

Did he really just say that?  Did Joey really just break up with me?I walked out to my car with tears flowing like faucets down my cheeks.  I heard his front door slam as I walked farther and farther away from his porch.  Quickly I grabbed my phone.  I'd make Joey so sorry for what he had done to me.  Scrolling down my contacts, I reached the last name H and dialed.  "Hey!"  Sawyer's slightly raspy voice said.  "Do you want to come over?"  I managed to croak out through my gasps for air.  "Would Joey care?  I don't think it's really the best idea right now."  I could hear the concern for me in his voice.  "Honestly I don't give a shit about Joey at all.  Just meet me outside my hotel in twenty minutes."   Sawyer was someone I wanted since the day I saw him, and thanks to Joey I could now have him.  "ok, yeah, sure."  Alanna had decided to visit some family in San Diego so she hadn't been home (and wouldn't be home) for a week.  I drove as fast as I could through the streets of L.A. to get to Sawyer.  When I pulled up, I saw him standing at the entrance.  I was still crying when I got to him.  "What's wrong?"  He asked and pulled me into a hug.  "Joey broke up with me."  I stated bluntly.  "Oh god, it's all my fault.  I'm so sorry Kristen."  He seemed really upset at the news.  "No, it wasn't.  It's my fault I'm falling for you."  He smiled slightly.  "You're falling for me?"  I managed to crack a small smile back at him for a second.  "Well how could I not?  You've been nothing short of perfect since the day I first saw you on YouTube."  Maybe it was my wanting revenge on Joey, but I felt like I could just be 100% honest with Sawyer.  "Well that's how I feel about you."  I think I blushed a little at that.  He put his hands on the back of my head and pulled me towards him.  "I want you Kristen, and nothing could change that."  He whispered in my ear.  "Then go for it.  I won't fight it."

Joey's POV  

After Kristen left, I needed to cool down.  Thank goodness Sawyer was out of the house or I would have strangled him.  Maybe it was an impulse, but I knew I had to end things with Kristen.  Our relationship was crap, and she was just killing me slowly.  I decided to hop in to the shower before bed to relieve some stress.  I spent a full thirty minutes in there before finally coming out.  I then went on instagram and twitter to reply to fans.  The psychopaths could always make me feel better when I was upset.  *Opens new message*  "Hey everyone.  I'm in a really bad mood.  Cheer me up please?"  Within minutes, I received jokes, encouraging paragraphs, and funny pictures from thousands of people.  I still couldn't bring myself to smile, though.  This would be tough to get over.  Even though it wasn't he best relationship, I still really, really liked her.  She was everything I wanted in a girl. She was smart, funny, pretty, and just always made me smile.  Why did she have to break my heart like that?  With nothing lifting my spirits, I decided venting to the YouTube community was the best choice.  "Hi guys.  So I broke things off with Kristen. She just wasn't the one for me."  Telling everyone about what actually happened would be a really bad idea.  I didn't want her to get hate or threats.  No one deserves that.  "I just thought you all should know."  My eyes were watering and I forgot to do my signature accent on my outtro.  "May the odds be ever in your favour, goodbye."

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