Chapter 34

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Kristen's POV

I woke up around 10 and saw that Tyler was still sleeping, so I went outside to explore the backyard. I grabbed my phone and ran outside. Everything was so green and beautiful! He sure knew how to take care of his plants. The voicemail from Sawyer kept flashing across my screen, so I decided to listen to it. "Hey it's me," the message began. As Sawyer kept talking, I began to lose my grip. What he was saying was horrifying. My phone fell out of my hand and hit the ground. Everything was swirling through my head. "Oh my god this is all my fault. Well maybe it isn't... But his fans shouldn't be saying that. Oh god what if he is bulimic? Can boys even be sick like that?" I was talking out loud to myself. Before I drew any conclusions, however, I decided to check Joey's twitter an see what had really been said. Most of the comments were about me being a skank. I wasn't surprised at that, but the comments that were about Joey were terrible. I had to go visit him, so I ran back inside to get changed an see him. At this point, I was extremely upset. When I opened the door, I saw that Tyler was waking up. "Hey. I gotta go visit Joey." I told him. "Seriously?" He rubbed his eyes. "You spend so much time with him, though." It was true. "I know, but he's really upset and sick and I need to figure out what is going on." He frowned. "Do you want me to go? I can at least distract Sawyer for you while you talk to Joey." I smiled at him. "Ok. But it's only to distract Sawyer. I have to fix Joey myself."


DING! I rang the doorbell to Joey and Sawyer's house. Almost immediately Sawyer opened the door for us. "Hey!" I said. "Hey Kristen. Oh hey homeboy! What's up?" He asked Tyler. "Coming for moral support," he replied. "Alright, well Joey is still sleeping but you can still come in." He walked us into the living room. As soon as I sat down, Hitch jumped into my lap. Now all I had to do was sit and wait.

Joey's POV

I heard the front door open and opened my eyes. Other voices besides Sawyer's drifted through my door. As much as I wanted to lay in bed, I figured that I should get up to see who was outside the door. I quickly threw on some pants but no shirt. Whoever was at the door would have to deal with my laziness. I opened my door and walked into the living room. Sitting on the couch were Tyler, Sawyer, and Kristen. "Oh hey guys," I said to them. My voice was still groggy from the night before. "Hey Joey," Kristen said while getting up. I could see her eyes me as she walked overs. She pulled me in for a hug. "How are you?" She sounded extremely concerned. "I'm fine. It must've been some bad food," I lied through my teeth. "Oh cut the shit homeboy," Tyler said. "I read your twitter last night." He was never fooled by anything. "Oh yeah. I just overreacted. It won't happen again." The problem was that I couldn't control it. I didn't choose to puke, but the stress got to me enough that I puked. It seemed really unhealthyanya. "You have to promise me," Kristen said, looking directly into my eyes. "Yes, I will try my best to not let it happen again." She smiled, looking relieved. "Good! I need to make sure you are ok. I really care about you." I blushed a little bit. Ruining the moment, her stomach growled. "I didn't eat yet! I'm so sorry!" I laughed. "It's fine really." She again looked at meS. "Maybe we should take a break for a few days. You can catch up on YouTube and Twitter. I can finish settling in with Tyler. I really think it would be good." As much as I hated to admit it, Kristen was right. "I think we should try that." There wasn't much else to say. "Call me in 3 days," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "Trust me, I will." After a little more conversation, Tyler and Kristen left. "I really hope this helps you dude," Sawyer said I me. "Me too, Sawyer, me too."

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