Chapter 18

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Kristen's POV

Ding! At 8 A.M. I got a notification that Joey had posted a new video!  Quickly I opened YouTube and clicked the video.  Joey was adorable!  He had some video footage from Whole Foods to start.  Some lady in the background was staring at him while he vlogged.  It's just hilarious to see when people don't understand vlogging. It was such a great vlog until I hit the 7 minute mark.  Joey.... Told everyone that our relationship was nothing and that most likely it would go absolutely nowhere.  "ALANNA!" I yelled.  I could feel the tears beginning to sting my cheeks.  "What? What's wrong?"  She walked into the living room half asleep.  "Here."  I played the portion of the video where he explained his feelings for me.  "Oh lord Kristen... I don't even know what to say.  I'm sorry."  She hugged me tightly.  How did I not expect this?  Shoudln't I have realised that this could go so wrong?  I threw my phone on the couch and stormed back to bed.


In 3 hours, Alanna woke me up.  "Hi ya doing?"  She asked me.  "I'm ok I guess.."  I honestly wasn't sure.  "Well Joey tried to call you and left you a message.  I didn't listen, I just saw it on your phone."  She said to me.  Great, like I needed a reminder about how much this SUCKED.  "Bring it here please." I requested.  She brought the phone to me.  "Thanks Alanna."  I listened to the message.  It said: "Hey! Wanted to see if you would like to meet up and maybe catch a movie tonight.  Call me later please!"  Call me my ass.  He made it pretty clear via internet that this wasn't going anywhere.

Joey's POV

It was already 3 P.M. and Kristen hadn't contacted me at all.  I assumed she was busy and went to reply to some comments on YouTube.  Joeyluv2 said "I LOVE YOU!"  Iluvhrywtrmln93 said "Marry me Joey!"  Everythingaboutharry said "Don't bother calling.  If you don't like me, don't tell me over YouTube."  What/  I clicked her profile and discovered that it was Kristen's profile.  What happened?  It's not like I really said anything...  I tried to call her but she ignored it.  Fine, I'd play her game if she wanted to.  "@everythingaboutharry We need to talk.  8 PM Same place as were were at for the sunset.  Hopefully she got my message in time.  Maybe I shouldn't have said that over the internet, though.  I didn't even mean it.  Recently after announcing that I had been dating, a lot of people on twitter had been sending me hate and hating on Kristen.  I wanted to stop the hate before they found her profile.  She was such a great person and I didn't want our relationship to fail because of some crazy fans that are just jealous.  I hoped she would forgive me.

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