Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to All of the people who are making my story popular

NOTE: I am aware Joey and Sawyer now live together, but I wrote this before that happened! 

Kristen's POV

Alanna and I were so excited for our double date.  Each of us was basically getting her dream boy.  I really hoped Sawyer and Alanna worked because it seemed like Joey and I were actually going to go somewhere.  "Kristen!  What do I wear???"  Alanna seemed frantic, almost in a panic.  "Relax! Just wear a cute sheer tank top and some jean shorts.  It's just a casual date with the guys," I replied to her.  On the inside, however, I was freaking out, too.  "Well what are YOU going to wear?" She asked me.  "I'm gonna wear my pink tank grey tank." It was one of my favourite outfits.  "OK! Help me with my hair!"  Alanna demanded.  She was only being pushy because she was practically in love with Sawyer.  I understood completely.  "I'll do you hair if you do mine!"


After 2 grueling hours of pain, we were ready to meet up with our youtubers.  "When are the boys coming?" Alanna asked me.  As if on cue, I got a text.  "Hey this is Sawyer.  Joey is driving.  We are on our way." Now I had Sawyer's number, too!  "Well, they are on their way!"  This really needed to work out for the both of us.

Joey's POV

Finally we arrived at Kristen's hotel.  She was on the 2nd floor, room 219.  I sent her a text just to warn her that Sawyer and I were on our way up.  "Cool!  See you in a few!"  She replied.  I couldn't help but crack a small smirk.  "OOH JOEY! I see that face. You do really like her, don't you?" Sawyer was teasing me.  "I think so.  I really do.  It was only one date though.  I can't be sure."  As much as I wanted to fall in love, I just couldn't so easily.  I had to put up some boundaries.  "Alright. Wait then."  We were at the door to Kristen and Alanna's room.  I knocked 3 times.  An unfamiliar face, presumably Alanna, opened the door.  "Hi! I'm Alanna.  So happy to meet you guys!"  She hugged me and the Sawyer.  (She seemed to hug Sawyer just a bit longer than me).  "Hey Joeyanya!  Long time no see, huh?" Kristen said to me as she smiled. She looked really good today in just shorts and a shirt.  "Yeah, right?!?  Glad to see you again!"  I just could not stop smiling.  Maybe I really was falling for her.

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