Chapter 13

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Personal Note- I don't particularly enjoy writing meal scenes because honestly they are usually boring.

Kristen's POV

Hearing Joey say that to me made me feel better.  "If you are absolutely sure," I replied.  "Absolutely."  We walked back to our table and sat down.  The entire night was still a tad awkward for me.  When it FINALLY ended, the boys drove us home and dropped us back at our hotel.  I really couldn't deal with any more drama.  When we finally arrived upstairs, Alanna stopped me before I could duck into my room.  "What the hell happened in there?  I know something is up."  Part of me didn't want to tell her, but I recounted what Sawyer had said to me.  "Woah... I'm sorry.  That's harsh."  She said in response.  "Yeah, but I really just need to be alone to comtemplate the whole ordeal.  Sorry.  I'll see you in the morning."  Without waiting for her response, I went to my room.  

Kristen's diary entry that night

Dear diary,

Are things moving too fast with Joey and me?  Sawyer's words may actually be helpful...  I mean, Joey hasn't kissed me or anything, but there's already an "us" after two dates... That's a little quick, isn't it?  It's just sort of crazy.  He's my dream guy, I must say, and I really don't want to mess things up by going to quickly.  Maybe I need to just think.

Joey's POV

After we dropped the girls off, I knew I had to confront Sawyer about what he had said.  We were in the car when I decided to ask about everything.  My feelings poured out as angry words towards him.  "What the hell Sawyer?  Are you TRYING to screw up my relationship?" My anger was seeping through every pore on my body.  "Dude, I think you're just moving too fast and expecting way too much."  His words stung me.  "So you talk to my date instead of me, your best friend?"  I couldn't even control myself.  "Sorry.  I didn't know it would be SO bad."  He seemed sarcastic.  "You know what?  Screw you Sawyer.  I run my own damn life, and I don't need you screwing everything up when it is perfectly fine."  Needless to say we didn't talk for the rest of the night.

Bonus! Sawyer's POV

Seriously I was just trying to help out Kristen and Joey.  They seriously were moving WAY too fast.  Joey is one of my best friends, and I didn't want him to get hurt. I really was just doing it to help, but I think I might have done it for another reason too, however. Kristen seems like a really cool girl.  She's pretty amazing.  Really.  I know that I shouldn't have any sort of feelings towards her, but I did.  I really liked her.  It was just one of those moments where you know you would be good with someone, and I felt that with Kristen.  But I could never tell her or Joey.  Never.  I just had to forget it... 

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