Chapter 50 - I Promise

Start from the beginning

        "Well, I went all out and ordered us a delicious Chinese dinner for two," he said and I laughed at him.

       "Perfect. I didn't feel like eating burnt food tonight anyway," I said as I began to open up the food containers.

        "Hey, my cooking isn't that bad!" He said, lightly hitting my arm.

        "I'm joking," I giggled.

        We sat there talking and eating every last bit of our food. We mostly talked about the tour and everything that's going to happen.

        "You want to take a walk?" Luke asked.

       "I'd love to," I responded, placing my hand in his as he pulled me off the blanket and on to my feet.

       We walked hand in hand until we reached the opposite side of the pond and Luke stopped me. The scenery looked absolutely amazing at the moment. The sun was just setting which gave the sky a yellow/orange colour. The sun just peered over the fields in the distance and it glistened over the surface of the pond. Luke turned me to face him and he bit his lip. He was nervous, I could tell he wanted to say something.


        "Yeah?" I questioned.

        "Umm I have something for you..." He paused as he pulled something out of his back pocket. He held a red velvet box in front of me and he popped open the lid to reveal a gorgeous ring.

        "Oh my god Luke! It's beautiful," I gasped at the silver band that had crystals encrusted around the outside of the ring.

        "It's a promise ring," he spoke softly.

        I held out my hand for him to slide it on my finger. He did exactly that and I quickly kissed him and then he wrapped me in a hug.

        "I promise," I whispered to him as he still held me tight.

        "Now I have one more question," he said has he pulled away from the hug and locked eyes with me. I was still shaking from his previous gesture. "Actually it's a question from all of us boys," he added in. I was super confused on what he might ask, but wanting him to carry on I nodded. "We want you to come with us... On tour." He said taking in a breath waiting for my answer.

        I was shocked. That's not what I was expecting to hear. "Are you serious?" Was all I could manage to get out.

        "Dead serious," he said and we continued to keep walking. If I stood still I would probably faint from this bomb he just dropped on me.

        "Luke I would love to, but what am I going to do on tour? Follow you around everywhere? My life is here," I said as I waited for the hurt expression to hit his face, but it didn't.

        "I knew you would worry about that," He stated with a slight chuckle. Where was he going with this? "That's why I pulled some strings... and if you want you can be are opening act on tour," He somewhat asked with a smile.

        My jaw dropped by now from just thinking of it. "Once again... Are you serious?" I asked as I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking.

       "Once again dead serious," he chuckled.

        I can't believe this. I'm in shock. I'm going to faint. I get to go on tour with Luke. I was freaking out right now.

        "Hello," he said waving his hand in front of my face. "What's your answer?"

        "Yes yes yes! I'll come!" I wrapped him in a hug and swung my legs around his back as he placed his hand on my thigh to support me.

        "Great!" He laughed and spun me around. I couldn't be happier right now.

        "I can't believe this is actually happening?" I said as he placed me back on the ground and we walked back to our picnic.


        The next few hours consisted of playing board games, goofing around, and playing the guitar. It was getting pretty late and we decided to lie down. I had my head on his chest as I stared up at the stars above as his left arm was wrapped around my waist.

        "Luke I love you," I said out of no where. I felt like it needed to be said.

        "I love you too," he responded as I glanced up to him to meet my eyes with his. He kissed my forehead and said it again quietly.

        We were lying there for a little while more and I was currently trying to hopelessly point out the Little Dipper to Luke when all of a sudden all of these emotions hit me at once. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Feeling almost like I had a head rush, I gasped and sat up abruptly.

        "What's wrong?" Luke asked as he leaned his weight on his elbow and placed his hand on my shoulder.

        "I remember?" I said as I took deep breaths.

        "Remember what?" He asked, confused.


Filling in the Pieces // Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now