The End...

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Amanda POV

This all seemed to familiar. Running, to get away from something that had ruined my life. The only difference...if I didn't run, I'd die.

We all sprinted towards a road the seemed to be getting further and further away. My legs felt like we're going to fall off but I kept running.

We finally reached the road and we all stopped dead in out tracks. "What do we do now?" Elizabeth wheezed out. All of us were panting. I don't think any of us could think straight under all this pressure. Our time to think was cut short by the loud roar of a car. My mind didn't even hesitate, I grabbed Hope's  hand and started sprinting by the side of the road. She finally settled in beside be, both of us running, being followed closely behind by Liz and Michael. My heart pounded so loudly that I could hear it, but that didn't slow me down, it instead made me run faster.

I could here the sound of a car pulling up onto the street. It didn't take long for the car to catch up with us. We ran as Katlyn pulled up beside us, trying to drive and look at us. She gave a menacing look but then a smile of pure evil spread across her face. It took me a bit to realize what she was planning, but when I did, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I started panicking and I slowed down a bit. Through heavy breaths, Michael looked at me and said, "What's wrong." I sped up until I was ahead of them, then I opened my arms to stop them from running. They all stopped with shocked expressions on their faces but the confusion was short lived when Katlyn started driving the car to the side.

"She was trying to hit us!" Liz screamed, she looked terrified and really angry at the same time. She was steaming, her eyes filled with rage and she looked like she could murder somebody. Michael grabbed her hand and it was like all the emotions left her. Her once tense shoulder drooped, her eyes dropped to the pavement under her feet. She leaned slightly on Michael and he wrapped his arm around her. He bent down slightly and whispered something in her ear. She sighed and nodded slowly. She finally looked up and when she did, her eyes widened. I turned back behind me, to look at Katlyn again, and saw her concern. Katlyn had turned the car on reverse and was now coming at us at full speed. I heard a window-shattering scream, and it took me a bit to realize that it was coming from me.

The street was on the mountain, so to one side there was a steep wall of dirt and rocks and to the other side was a downhill slide, with trees at the very bottom. I had a very quick, split second conversation in my brain as I contemplated which route to take. I only had a split second before we would become roadkill.

If we go uphill...we die. Katlyn would be able to catch us as we try to climb up. Downhill though...that leaves us farther down the mountain and farther away from Katlyn. We might actually survive...

So without a second thought I yelled at my friends to run to the edge of the road and jump. Hope gave me a worried glance, but didn't question, she didn't have time to.

We all ran for the cliff and grabbed each others hands. I said a silent prayer to whoever was listening...and jumped.


I had to let go of Hope and Liz's hand to brace myself. We all tumbled down the hill, occasionally bouncing slightly. Now I know how a ball feels, I thought right before falling onto the ground. I landed with a loud thud. Thankfully, my arms hadn't been stretched out all the way and I landed on a small  pile of leaves and soft dirt, so landing on the ground with that much force, didn't break them. I picked myself up off the dirt and looked around for my friends. I looked to my right and saw Liz, Michael was helping her up. I then looked to the left and started looking for Hope. My eyes scanned the vast forest in search for Hope, but I couldn't seem to find her anywhere. I could feel my heart rate quicken as my search for her became more and more frantic. I started walking towards where I had last seen her, and that walk became a sprint, leading me into the forest once again.

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