Angel or phsyco?

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Hopes POV

"Come here Buck, come here" she said in a sweet voice. Buck looked up at her, almost in a begging sort of way. I heard her mumble something under her breath not sure what. I thought I heard her say something about 'they won't or can't know' but I'm positive I'm wrong. She's so sweet there is no way she could hurt anyone, or at least that's what Amanda thinks. I know that Elizabeth does not trust her, she always asks 'can we trust her' and we say yes. She keeps asking as if she wants us to say no. I'm hoping we don't live here forever, we had a plan until we met Katlyn. She ruined everything, at least our plan. We can't find where we were! But it's no right to blame it on her. Katlyn never bathes, i can tell by the horrible stench. Her hair is all Ruffled with leaves and twigs. Her glasses has so many dusts in the cracks and crevices. I don't know how she even sees. Her clothes are dirty like she made her outfit with mud. I don't understand because when we met her we could see what she was wearing. I have all the observations down. But she's been so kind to us, she whispers to the animals though. She made it pretty clear she doesn't want us to hear, but I bet it's personal so I'll cut her some slack.


"This looks really good, what is it" Amanda asked. Katlyn smiled and stood to speak, "it's my secret recipe for deer stew" she said. Fancy. Amanda pouted she wanted to know the ingredients "can you at least tell us one ingredient that made it good" Amanda asked. She turned her pout into a smile when Katlyn started to speak. "The main ingredient, that makes the taste have a kick is leeches" she said. Amanda's face grew white. We all dumped it in the forest when she wasn't looking and pretended we drank it. I went to our bag and grabbed a snack to wash out my mouth (barf). "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH SUCH POISON!?!?" Katlyn yelled. I looked at Amanda and Elizabeth, I started to speak. "It's just a snack, not poison" I said with a certain surprise to my voice. Katlyn looked surprised at her self and spoke. "I....I..I was just... Seeing if I could trust you guys, I'm very aware" she said with a smile. I forced my self to smile and sat down. "I think I can trust you... Sorry.... About that" she said laughing nervously. Annie barked, and Katlyn mumbled something in her ear. Annie went to go see buck, they looked as if they were speaking to each other. I knew I was just being foolish. We can trust her.... Right? Amanda suddenly broke the silence. "I'm going to go wash up and head for bed" she got up and headed towards the pond. "Imma go too" I said getting up to follow her. Elizabeth gave me a look saying 'don't leave me with her', I left anyways. I need to wash up, I caught up with Amanda. We got to the pond and started to go in, the water felt soooo nice and refreshing. It was a bit cold but mostly warm, that's what made it great. I looked around and I didn't see anyone so I started a conversation with Amanda. "So.... Leeches" I said starting to continue. She looked at me and I saw a hint of stress. "Yeah, I hope she didn't eat it" she continued "but then again she put it in, she could've killed us!". I looked within and tried to reason with her. "Maybe she didn't know" I said, "how long has she been here?" She asks me. How would I know, we all just met her today. "I don't know" I said, I looked at her, then dunked under the nice refreshing water. I washed out all the dirt in my hair. "Let's go dry off" I said, "it's getting dark". We both went on top of the highest rock, we dried our body's and clothes with the blanket. We both laid down on our blanket so we would be all dry to go to bed. "This has all been kinda stressful... For all of us" Amanda said looking up at the sky. I started looking at the beautiful sky, "yeah". I was caught up in the sky and thoughts, I was in space. I was so caught up in my own world I didn't even know it was dark. "We better get going" Amanda said. I picked up the blanket and started going towards where they were. Our journey shall go on, hopefully, do I know how long we will be with Katlyn, i don't know. We arrived to see Elizabeth and Katlyn sitting awkwardly in silence. Except Elizabeth was staring at her when she was playing with Annie and buck. Elizabeth Is being so weird, there is nothing wrong with Katlyn.... I think. I got my blanket and settled down near the fire. Both Elizabeth and Amanda were on the outside of me so I was in the middle. Katlyn was quite far, far enough that we wouldn't hear her. She was with buck and Annie. It looked like they were in a circle, but I was tired in dark, so I could never be sure. I forgot all about my knee, it was scarred so no wonder I forgot. I was in my soft comfy bed-like ground. I was drifting off in the silence and nature, it all turned down a decibel and went black.


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