The Hanging Threat

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(See what I did there!The Hanging Tree! Hahahaha! I did that because I don't have a picture. Now back to the story. 😀)


Elizabeth POV

Katlyn really scares me. She cut my hair, luckily, Amanda was able to fix it. It really is a good look for me. Gangsta!  I knew I was right about Katyln all along. When she told me she had killed her parents... I didn't want to be killed too, so I played it cool-ish. I freaked out inside and maybe might have peed my pants a little. I had started sweating nervously and shaking a lot. Well, I unwillingly  went to sleep in the same room as that psychopath. 

I slowly woke up hours later and groaned. I had a massive headache. I opened my eyes to a dark cabin, it had no windows. Wait. Something's strange. It was tied upside down! I looked over at Amanda and Hope. They were tied up too. I sucked in a huge breath, ready to scream. Amanda made a duck face, to insist on being quiet, and gave me a stern glare. I slowly let my air out into a silent scream. "What happened to us!?" I whisper-yelled.
"How are we supposed to know!" They both whisper-yelled back.
"I told you we should have left! I never trusted that crazy hillbilly! I was right, in yo face!" I attempted to do a victory dance, but ended up looking like a retarded inch worm that couldn't inch.
The door flew open and there stood Katlyn. I immediately stopped that worm dance. She said, "I had to tie you up so you wouldn't leave me."
"This is kidnapping!" I yelled at her.
"No it isn't. I'm keeping you safe," she nodded a little.
"Safe!" I screamed as she walked up to us.
She nodded a-matter-factly, "mhm!"
"Do you guys remember when you thought you were being followed. And Hope, when something touched your arm, that was me. I followed you three a couple days after you were here. I emptied your water bottles so you would find me and my pond. I saved you and I intend to keep it that way. You will stay with me forever and ever and ever, until we die," she said admiring us with wide blue eyes.
"Eww! That was you!" Hope had a grossed out face.
"Yes. I used to have friends and a mom and dad, but they left too. My mom let me take two friends with me to the woods on my birthday, dad came along. I gave my mom some red berries and she for some reason died. Then-" I cut Katlyn off, screaming.
"Poison Berries!" I gasped.
She gave me a dirty look and continued,"Then my dad left in his car with his new fiancé. So it was just Buck, Annie, and me. Annie and Buck were the friends I took along. They used to talk a lot to me, now they don't. They went away one day, but they came back. Annie was shorter and Buck was taller. They came back for me. They did. They're my friends. Th-they came back...."
"Psycho," Amanda muttered.
Katlyn whipped out her knife and held it towards us, unangry, "I like you guys. Your humerous. But you want to run away, like Annie and Buck did and you'll come crawling back. I don't want to be alone anymore, you gave me no choice but to tie you up to keep you here."
"We promise we won't leave! Just untie us!" Hope blurted out and then looked at us, she winked and we could see her crossed fingers, which Katlyn didn't catch.
"Y-yea, I promise too." Amanda agreed, also crossing her fingers.
I crossed mine and said the promise too. She looked at us, uncertain. "Okay, you guys promised."
She took us down from the ceiling and untied us, careful not to cut the ropes. She whispered to herself while she untied us, "Don't cut the ropes. May need for later. They came back. Friends. I not crazy. I have friends. I have friends. Friends. Must have them. They die without me. They came back. They won't ever leave me.They stay here. I stay here. They came back. Frrrieeendsss."
I could hear her. She kept on repeating those words. It sent shivers down my spine and little nervous sweat beads grww on my forehead. This girl is crazier than we thought! I wiped my fore head with my sleeve while she untied Hope. Katlyn carefully put the ropes neatly on a bed.

I walked quickly, feeling naussious to even be near her. I opened the door and stepped outside and took a huge breath of clean, noncrazy air. Annie rushed up to me and jumped up onto her hind legs and liked me all over. I now noticed that her blue eyes were shadowed with fear. Fear of Katlyn. I stroked her muzzle and sat down at the table for lunch. It was already past noon, oh well. Katlyn placed three bowls in front of us. Hope looked at it and nodded. I looked at mine. Red berries. Death Berries. I looked up, panicked. I pushed my bowl off and then Amanda's. Hope lifted the spoon to her mouth and was about to eat it. "No! Don't eat that!" I screamed and flicked the spoon away and threw her bowl across camp. "What was that for!?" Hope asked, standing up as Amanda and I did too.
"Poison berries! They could kill you! She killed her mother that way, why not us to?!" I yelled back at her with wide eyes.
She had looked at death itself. I couldn't imagine loosing either one of them after all we have been through. A knife flew past my head and landed in a tree. We all looked at Katlyn who smiled innocently. "Oops, sorry." Was all she said.
I grabbed my stuff and headed to the pond, Annie followed me. "Where are you going friend?" Katlyn asked creepily.
"I'm going to the pond," I simply replied.
"We're going too," Amanda said, dragging Hope.
"Have fun friends!" Katlyn waved, "Don't forget your promise!"

Buck was at the pond dipping his head down to the sparkling water. I sat down by the water and dipped my toes in. Annie jumped into the pond and swam around. She looked funny, but she could still swim really well. She widened her paws and her tail trailed behind her and her head was held high. I laughed a little, still not over the whole situation. Hope and manda joined me, dipping their toes into the water too. I looked around, making sure that Katlyn wasn't around. "Guys, I have a plan-" I was cut off by rustling among the trees. Katlyn. It wasn't her. It was two big does who quirkily walked up to Buck and nuzzled him and then settled down in the tall grass near the water. He soon joined them and layed between them. Perfect! My plan will work!
I looked around again. No Katlyn. "We could continue up the mountain. There are three deer now, so we could ride them up and down. We avoid Katlyn's camp and make it home." I continued quietly, "I'm sure Annie will follow us. We need to take a moment like this and just run off. Leave not a trace of where we where we were or are. I think this could work."
"That's a great idea. We could fool her for a little long and then leave after two days." Hope agreed.
"No, she'd kill us by then. I'm in." Amanda stated.
I really will miss this pond in paradise though.


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