The Horror

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Hopes POV

I feel so sorry for Elizabeth, but it's hard to when she is being a jerk about it. She thinks that I don't have problems, that I'm perfect. I have feelings and I have problems, including the... Never mind. I would never tell, never, I forgot it and it's going to stay that way. Well guess what, I'm not a scarecrow, I'm not a baby, well basically I'm a shadow, to everyone. I guess I like it that way, I mean it's not always easy but... Never mind!


"There, I told you everything" Elizabeth screamed with tears rolling down her face. Hot, steamy tears, I never thought this would happen. But it did, I hate people crying, yet I do it anyways. "Ok" I said, "what?!" Elizabeth yelled fiercely. "I SAID OKAY" I yelled, oh my gosh, why is she like this. All I said was ok and she gets angry at me! There was an awkward silence until I got up to get food. "Any food?" I asked, Elizabeth gulped "Oreos and a granola bar" she said. "Ummm, canned fruit and potato chips please" Amanda said. I grabbed two waters and threw all the food and water to them. I got a water and a granola bar, crackle, crackle, snap! I dropped my granola bar, "what was that" Amanda said looking around. Elizabeth was happily eating her Oreos and in a mouth full she said "probably a squirrel". Crackle, crackle, snap, crackle, BANG! "THATS NOT A SQUIRREL!" I yelled. Elizabeth dropped her Oreos and all of them were covered in dirt, the sound came closer and closer. Then BANG louder than before, "you can't hide" a whisper and wimpy voice said. It sounded like the wind, and a breeze started coming through. "THAT WASN'T ME!" We all yelled, "RUNN!" Elizabeth yelled. We all started sprinting and the noise started following us. I looked behind me, it was a shadow, a perfect human figure shadow. That was the best advice Elizabeth ever gave me. If she hadn't have said that I would never had ran, I was petrified. We kept running it kept getting closer, I didn't know what it was but I was in second between Amanda and Elizabeth. We were all screaming loudly and I heard a laugh, but I don't even know what I heard, because I couldn't have heard anything over our loud screams. Everything scared me now, a branch fell on my shoulder, and it scared me so freakin bad. I couldn't see I just kept running, it was painful running into branches. But not as painful as if whatever that thing got his hands, paws, tentacles, germs, on me! I felt the cold deep cuts on my face, I didn't even cry, it was just screaming. After a while we stopped screaming all u can hear is air and breaking branches. Gasping and sprinting, "help" Amanda yelled, as if someone would hear us. We didn't hear the noise anymore, I stopped.

"I don't see anyone" I said, we all were gasping for air. "Great, whatever that was obviously left. Probably scared us away to eat all the food and survival stuff we had. Great job!" Elizabeth said. "Oh so it's my fault?" I said, "ummm" Amanda said. "What!" Elizabeth hissed, "what was that" Amanda said. "You think I would know!" Elizabeth said. "It's easy, we just try to find camp again!" I said. "Fine" Elizabeth said, "ok" Amanda said. I was shivering, and scared, I looked over to see the moon shining over us. I looked around because for once we have light! I looked around and there was nothing here but us the moon and nature. "Well, this shouldn't be to hard, we just ran straight" I said. "That's what I was thinking" Amanda said. So we headed straight, within 30 minutes we found camp.


I peeked in the bag, "what ever that was didn't steal anything, maybe the thing got lost" I said. "I just don't get it, why would it scare us away?" Amanda said. "Oh, it's probably just us, we never heard it speak" Elizabeth said. That totally freaked me out, I did, I heard it speak. I'm trying to forget it, but somehow it keeps popping up in my brain. "Well, I think after all that we need to go find a new place to settle, we can never be sure!" Amanda said. I picked up my bag, full of stuff, and headed where Amanda was heading. After all this, the condition got better, before I knew it I was lost in space.


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