To The Mountains!

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Elizabeth's POV

I woke up and remembered we will be going to the tops of the mountains to find our way back to reality. Hope and Amanda were still asleep. I grabbed a stick and took out my knife and began to carve a sharp point on one end. I soon finished with that one and did two more. Hey- who knows what could be out there! Grizzly bears, wolves, more mountain lions, the list could go on. And like Hope said, maybe even another person who could help us. "Wake up," I said flatly as the sun peeked over the mountain side.
Amanda groaned and rolled over. Hope shook Amanda awake, "If you want to get out of these woods, you need to get up now!"
Amanda's eyes flashed open and jumped to her feet. She noticed me carving the last stick and the ones laying by my feet, "What are those for?"
I gave one to her, " To protect yourself. You don't know what's up in those mountains!"
"Thanks!" Hope gasped and grabed one, she twirled it and stabbed an invisible enemy.
Amanda ripped it out of my hands quickly, " good thinking."

We stood at the base on of a mountain, looking up to he looong treck ahead. We started up the mountain panting. There were still some trees around. Rocks, lots of rocks. Knowing myself, I'm gonna sprain my ankle or something. "Aaaah!" Hope slipped and skinned her knee. I jumped back past Amanda and told her to keep going. "Are you okay?" I asked Hope.
"I-I think so, " she replied.
Her knee was bleeding and I tried not to look at the peice of skin that hung on the rock. Ew, gross!
I opened my backpack and pulled out a peice of fabric. I quickly wrapped her knee up and helped her to her feet. "Thanks," she murmered.
We huffed and puffed up the mountain, my stomach growled and the sun was about to set. I knew we should've woken up earlier!
"Who's hungry?" I asked.
"Me!" They both said at once.
"I think we should camp here for tonight. I think instead of using our food, we catch our own! And then build a fire and cook it up!"
Amanda and Hope looked at me like I was insane. They shrugged and set they're bags down on a rock. "Hope, you should stay here and watch our stuff and give your knee time to heal a little." Amanda insisted.
"I'm fime,really!"
"I'll take first watch while you sleep." I added, "Just stay here, and start a fire."
Hope crossed her arms and pouted as she sat down on a large grey rock. Me and Amanda headed in different derections to try amd attempt to spear something. Maybe a rabbit or..... a deer!?
A deer had sprung into my path. You will help us. Besides, nothing it better than deer meat!
I threw the spear at he brown creature behind the front shoulder. I jumped, but then dropped to the ground. Great! Wait, great, I'm going to need help getting this back.
I took the spear out of the deer, blood gushed. Well, I guess I hit the heart.
"Amanda! Come help me!" I yelled, heading an echo.
I think she heard me because she came running up and stopped. "Nice catch," she looked down at it.
"I'll get the back, you get the front." I told her.
She picked the doe up by the front legs. I got the back. The deer's body swung as we carried it back to where Hope had started a fire. "Woah!" Hope exlaimed.
"Yeah, that's what I said."

I skinned the deer and set it out on a rock to dry. We could use that for warmth. I chopped some meat up and prodded a stick through it. I made two more for us all to twirl over the fire. The meat would have been better with some seasoning and BBQ sause. I stretched out on a flat rock and gazed at the dancing stars. I love the night sky, it's a thing my mom and I shared in common. She showed me all the constalations. Space facinated me. I sighed, Hope and Amanda did too. Maybe Hope and Amanda aren't as bad as I thought. They seem pretty smart and intelligent. They may be quiet and nerdy, but I could learn to be their friend.
I held up my pointer finger and began to trace Orion,The Hunter. "What are you doing?" Hope asked.
"Tracing a costalation." I answered.
"You know those things! I didn't think you liked to learn" Amanda spoke.
"Y-yea, I learned them all from"
"Cool, so what are you tracing?" Hope asked again.
"Orion, the Hunter." I simply replied and began to work on Cassiopeia, " now I'm doing Cassiopeia, the Queen."
"You know, I've always wondered what's beyond our own universe and galaxy." Hope sighed.
"Someday we'll find out," Amanda sighed too then turned over to her side and fell asleep.
I was keeping first watch, I remembered. Hope drifted off to sleep. I let my thoughts comsume me, I feel like I've been friends with them all along. How come we never bonded like this in school? I guess because of work and drama, but now our lives depended on it. Our parents are probably worried sick, with an amber alert going all over the states.
Suddenly, I heard a loud crack. I looked up and around frantically. I heard footsteps, but saw nothing. What the heck?!
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