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Hopes POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Elizabeth saying "what was that". I didn't hear anything, she was panicking. "I don't hear anything, are you alright?" Amanda said. "Yeah, what are you hearing?" I said, she put on a confused look. Amanda took a flash light and got up searching all around, "I don't see anything" she said. I looked at her, she was relieved, so was I. I didn't want to run with a hurt knee, although I could manage. PIGGY BACK RIDE, YAYYY! "Must've been a rabbit" Elizabeth said. You go through a lot of scary stuff and the moment you hear something you think danger. Elizabeth was falling asleep, she wanted to keep watch, but that wasn't working out for her. Amanda fell asleep, and I am tired. I got situated under a warm blanket and closed my eyes.


I awoke to the smell of food and the sound of a crackling camp fire. Nature was awake all around us, it was a beautiful day. We need to start trekking, but food. I looked over at Amanda's bed, she wasn't there. I looked at Elizabeth "where is a-" she interrupted me "bathroom". I scooted up so I was against a rock, I got a little shock from my knee, but that was because I forgot about it. Here she threw me a granola bar, "I thought we split these" I said. "You need your strength to get up the mountain" she said. I couldn't argue so I unwrapped it and ate it. Elizabeth took a water and took a swig. This is going to have to be today's water. Amanda emerged out of the woods. "Sorry I was so long, I ran into a psycho" she said panting. "Or at least I thought, I heard footsteps" she said. Okay maybe this is getting serious. I got up to my feet, I started stretching, "nope, not there yet!" I said in pain. We all got up and got our stuff, to head up the mountain. We put out the fire and messed up as if we never came. Up the mountain we go!


I was sweating so much, it was a long trek, and we are going to have to do this every day. Until we reach the top of course, Elizabeth was panting and sweating, so was Amanda. We have had a long day already, and my knee was killing me. I didn't show it, I didn't need the sympathy. We went to a rock so we could rest, it was sharp but we were exhausted.  "How long do you think it is to the top of the mountain" I said, my curiosity has got the best of me. Will someone be at the top, will I make it back home? "I wouldn't know, and I bet I'm right about Elizabeth not knowing" Amanda said. Elizabeth laughed "hey!" she yelled, "but that is true" we all laughed. Oh my gosh, did we just have a moment! I was deep in my thoughts until Elizabeth spoke. "its getting dark, I think we could get one more hour in".


We got the hour in and we found a place to stay for the night. I had my back pack on my back, I tripped and fell on my bad knee, and a picture frame fell out of my bag and hit me in the head. I screamed in pain, "are you all right" they said running towards me. "I'm fine" I said, Elizabeth being the nosey girl she is picked up the picture frame. "Who is that" Amanda asked, my heart sank, "I don't know if I have the nerve to tell you" I said. I thought of all what they have told me, I have to tell them. "well its worth a shot, that was my sister, she was my twin, we did everything together" halfway through I was already sobbing. "she died of cancer, nothing worse could've happened to me!" I was sobbing, the hot tears crawling down my face. "I think you need some rest" Amanda said, I was tired and couldn't say no. The only thing that I can say no to is sympathy. I yawned and managed to get out "I don't need your sympathy". Amanda and Elizabeth looked ta each other "she's out".


thank you all for reading, it means  lot to us and 300 reads, gee golly! Please comment and vote, I will be happy forever, so make me happy! thanks!

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