The Unexpected Haircut

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Amanda POV

I woke up to a loud, high-pitched scream. I sat upright in my bed and looked to the direction it had come from. Elizabeth was laying down on the floor with Katlyn kneeling beside her. At first everything seemed normal until my eyes fully adjusted and I saw that Liz was actually tied to the floor and Katlyn had a pair of scissors in one hand and hair in the other. I jumped out of bed and ran to them. Katlyn moved away, scared, and went and sat in the corner, rocking slowly, murmuring to herself. I looked away from her and focused back on Elizabeth. Hope had moved to the other side of her and was trying to get her untied. Hair covered and was surrounding her. Elizabeth's hair had been cut to where it reached a little past her shoulders. Her hair had been super long before! She was screaming and struggling to get out of her bonds. Hope finally got the ropes loose enough for her to escape. Liz stood straight up and looked to the corner that Katlyn was rocking in. She started charging towards her but I quickly jumped into her path. She looked my in the eyes, her eyes were pleading, begging for me to let her at Katlyn. I shook my head and grabbed her arm, leading her towards the door. I looked back at Hope, telling her to come with us.


We sat down on a big rock by the pond. Elizabeth was sitting in front of me as I tried to even out her hair with some scissors. "Okay, so start, I need all the details." I said, cutting her hair. Elizabeth sighed and started telling the story from the beginning.

"After you guys had fallen asleep I got up because I couldn't sleep. I had gotten up to get a drink of water. I was at the pond when I heard a rustling. I turned expecting and animal but it was just Katlyn. I still didn't feel comfortable around her so I didn't say anything. She walked up beside me and sat down next to me. I just sat there, filling up water bottles when she finally said something. 'My friends tell me you don't trust me...' Katlyn said. I sat down on the ground and stopped filling bottles. We just just sat in silence until I finally said something.

'It's not that I don't trust you, I'm just being very cautious...' She nodded, understanding what I was saying. I smiled softly and looked down at the water. An insect broke the surface, making the water ripple into beautiful little waves. A smooth breeze blew through the trees, making my hair whip around my face. Beside me, I heard a small sigh.

'I know what you mean. I don't even trust me sometimes. My mom certainly didn't.' I looked up at her. She was staring at the water.

'I'm sorry...I really miss my parents too.' I softly patted her back and she looked up at me with confusion. Then, clarity crossed over face. She smiled a big toothy smile and very excitedly said,

'Really?! You killed your parent too?!'"

A loud gasp cut her off. I stopped cutting her hair and looked at her. She looked back at me, fear and anger were hidden in her eyes. Hopes face had gone white and she sat there, frozen. "That's exactly how I reacted." Then she continued telling her story.

"My body froze. I was paralyzed. I was pretty sure that my jaw had hit the floor. All Katlyn did was stare at me, confusion written all over her face once again. I was screaming at my body to move, to run away, but all I could do I sit there, staring at her. 'Why are you staring at me?' She asked, shifting uncomfortably. I finally forced myself to move and I got up quickly.

' reason. Listen, I have to, I'll see you tomorrow.' and with that I left. I practically ran through the woods to the cabin. When I got to the door I was about to go inside, when I heard a rustling behind me. I turned around and there, standing in front of me was Katlyn. 'Oh! Hi Katlyn.' I croaked, I could barely talk.

'You aren't going to leave me right?' She asked slowly moving towards me. I started walking backwards until I hit the door. I reached behind me and felt around for the doorknob. She saw this and furrowed her brow. 'Why are you doing that?' I didn't answer but just kept searching until I finally found it. I was about to turn it when she pulled at small knife from her pocket. My hand fell from the doorknob and instinctively they both raised in from of me.

'Whoa Katlyn, no need for a knife.' She looked at her knife and then back at me.

'I know' she said, but she still didn't put it down. She kept walking towards me but I didn't have anywhere to go. She grabbed the doorknob around me and opened the door. I stood there,puzzled. Then she took a few steps back and motioned for me to go in. I gave a slight nod and shuffled into the cabin. Then I went to sleep" Liz finished. Hope was on her knees in front of Elizabeth, leaning towards her waiting for more. When Liz didn't continue talking Hope fell back onto her legs and looked at Elizabeth with a confused stare.

"That's it?!" She practically screamed. I smiled a little at that but then it quickly went away when I remembered some very important information I had just received.

"So...Katlyn is a murderer?" I asked. Liz's body tensed beneath me. Then she gave a curt nod, not saying anything. "Listen Liz, I'm-" I tried to say, but she cut me off.

"I know...You don't need to say it. I just suggest that we get out of here as fast as we can." I nodded a little, even though she couldn't see me. I finished her hair and sat back to admire my work. She turned to me and her hair looked perfect. It framed her face perfectly and the length was beautiful. Her hair fell into the perfect bob, just barely above her shoulders. The layers added some volume and a feathery texture. She smiled at me and I returned it. Hope gasped when she turned back and started clapping.

"Brava, Amanda, I didn't know that you could cut hair and Elizabeth! I didn't know you could be beautiful." Hope said with a smirk. A laugh escaped my lips as Liz got up and punched Hope in the arm. Hope held her arm and glared at Elizabeth. "Hey! What was that for? It was a compliment!" Hope said with a smirk. A smile slid onto Elizabeths face.

For the next half hour or so, we all talked and laughed, trying to forget the horrific news that we would have to leave soon. We all were getting slightly tired but no one wanted to be the first admit it. Everyone was dreading the thought of having to leave in the morning. I finally couldn't take it anymore so I had to bring it up. "Guys, we should probably be getting to sleep." They both looked at each other than back at me. Both of them nodded and we all got up, heading for the cabin.


We arrived in the cabin to find Katlyn sleeping in the corner we had left her in. All of us gathered our stuff together and placed beside our blankets and jackets. None of us wanted to be the first to sleep but I was too tired to stay awake. Slowly my heavy eyelids closed and I fell into a deep slumber.


I woke up and tried to rub my eyes but I couldn't. I tried to wriggle my hands but all I could do was move my fingers. My head felt really heavy and when I tried to move it it aways fell back into place. That's when I realized where and what was wrong with me. I was hanging upside down...


Thank you all for reading. I'm very sorry that this was soooooooo late but I hope that it was worth it! Please Vote, comment, and share with your friends! I love you all! BYE!

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