The Strangers

31 11 4

Elizabeth's POV

I crashed to the ground in pain. I clutched my stomach at the unbearable hurting. I heard them scream, but I was too weak to get up and help. I rolled over amd weakly sweapt at the ground, trying to find my flash light. I only felt dead leaves... and a shoe. A boot to be exact. I looked over and saw a guy around my age standing over me. "Get away from her!" Hope shouted.
My vision grew blurry and fadded to black.


I heard the trickle of a river nearby. I slowly blinked open my eyes. A pale face was right in front of mine. Blue eyes and brown hair, not a face I recognize. He wore a light weight camo jacket with camo pants and he carried a gun, slung on his back. I screamed and leapt back, hitting my head on the tree trunk behind me. He smiled with a laugh and he looked back at another, older man, probably his father. "Amanda! Hope!" I screeched.
"Shh!" The younger guy chuckled, "It's okay! They're here too!"
"Yup," Hope walked up, still causious of the men.
The young guy smiled a big bright white smile, "You guys were really close to the river, so we decided to bring you here. We dunked you into the water for now-"
"Yeah," Hope cut him off, "You had a poisinous plant in your sleeping bag. They have some scentless soap for you to use."
"What is your name any way?" I asked, rubbing my head, "And, where's Amanda?"
"Amanda is still passed out. She was so startled by people!" Hope laughed a little.
"My name is Michael, but just call me Mike or Mikey. My dad and I were hunting when we found you all. We're still thirty miles from our truck. How did you guys get here? You look like crazy mountain people."
Hope opened her mouth and was about to say something, but I did before she could, "Well, us 'crazy mountain people' got lost on a school field trip and have been trying to find our way home ever since."
"You guys have been out here little less than a month! I saw picture of you on the news!" He gasped.
Hope and I shared a glance with wide eyes. "Guys!?" We heard Amanda's frightened and slightly dazed voice from nearby.
I looked over to my right, the creative one leaned against a pine tree, exept she didn't have a blue-eyed boy staring at her. She looked over at us with a questioning face. Michael stood up and walked over to her and retold the story to her. She was wide eyed and her face was a scared. Mike stood up and walked over to his dad, they began a whispering conversation. Hope and I walked over to Amanda. "People. Am I dreaming?" Amanda asked, grabbing a pine branch to stand up.
"No, they're real." Hope said.
"And cute," I added.
Wait, did that just come out of my mouth? "What was that, Elizabeth," Amanda wiggled her eyebrows.
My face turned red and I looked down, "I-it was nothing. Just me being stupid, as always."
"I think you like him," Amanda cooed.
I shook my head and went over to the river to wash my hands off, I think I got bird poop on them when I jumped away from Michael. I overturned some stones, looking for snails and crawfish, just cause. I grabbed a big crawfish and threw it at Amanda, who screamed and jumped everywhere. I cracked up laughing and looked over at Mikey, he stared at us with a smirk on his face. He looked over at me and we both looked away quickly. Michael's dad stood up, "We have to get going. We'll bring you girls with us, you can ride in the back of the pickup truck."
I looked over at Amanda and Hope, they nodded, so I did too. "Thank you, we really appreciate it," Amanda confirmed.
"Allright, let's move," the two men waded through the river to the other side.
It got waist deep and then got shallower as we reached the other side. We trecked through the woods.

The sun was beginning to set, turning tye sky to pinks, reds, oranges, and yellows. I guess Amanda and I must have been knocked out for a while.
We reached the truck when the stars were coming out. We climbed into the tailgate because there wasn't any room up front. Amanda and I sat towards the window so we could talk with them. Hope gazed up at the twinlling stars beside me. "So, you were the girls on the news, eh?" Michael's father asked.
"Um, yeah, I guess we are," I replied unsurely.
"Three lost girls in the woods. It just doesn't seem right, couldn't your teachers have noticed you all were missing?" Mike asked.
"I guess not," Amanda stated.
He laughed and turned back around to face the front. I looked to where we were leaving. A figure ran after us with her wolf racing infront. "Katlyn!" I screamed and pointed.


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I'm sad to say that this book is coming to an end. We've really loved writing this for you all. 💗

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