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Amanda POV

We were getting deeper into to the forest. I was trying to loosen up the tense atmosphere by talking constantly but no one was paying attention. Our entire walk was filled with emotionless eyes, a creepy smile, and my incessant babbling. No one was on the same page about our assignment. Well, it was actually only me and Hope who were doing the work anyway. Elizabeth was supposed to be leading us to our camp site but Hope and I stopped paying attention a while ago. It wasn't until the sun started going down that I began to worry. "So, um...Elizabeth where is our campsite exactly?" She didn't stop, "You do know where we are going right? We are supposed to meet up with the rest of the class at sunset." She threw an annoyed glance over her shoulder and started talking but didn't stop walking.

"Of course I know where we are going, would I ever lead you off course?" She asked. Was that a rhetorical question? I thought to myself. I could practically see the smirk on her face, she knew where we were going but I still didn't trust her. I had been to this park once before when I was in middle school but we weren't allowed to go past the pond in the center of the park. On one side of the park there is a dense forest that leads into the mountains. They say that anyone who enters that forest never comes out, but of course that is just a myth. 


I'm just starting to notice how long we've been walking. My feet are killing me at this point! I looked down at my watch and gasped. "What?" Hope asked, stopping in her tracks. I looked around and noticed that I had never seen this part of the park. I turned to Elizabeth who's face went from a smirk to a concerned look, Hope clearly fell for it but I knew that it was fake. I'd seen this before with my parents. "Wait? Where are we? I thought we were on our way to meet up with the rest of the class." Her face went from concentrated to terrified in one second.

"Oh no!" Elizabeth butted in, she sounded so fake! "I guess I must have taken a wrong turn." She made a dramatic motion and started crying. Fake of course but Hope was definitely buying it. "Maybe I should go and try to find help. You guys just stay here while I go." I couldn't figure out if this was an actual suggestion or if she was trying to fool us again. I was about to tell her off when Hope spoke up after being in shock.

"Yes! Please!" She sounded desperate, I almost wanted to cry for her. "I need to get back to the other people so I can get my A!" She collapsed on the floor and started bawling. Elizabeth looked stunned as if she didn't expect that to happen but after that she went back to being her fake self. She looked at Hope and a few tears ran down her cheek, but in her hand she had a bottle of eye drops. "Thank you Elizabeth," Hope said quietly looking at the ground. "Maybe you are not as bad as everyone says you are." Elizabeth looked down at the ground, gave a few grunts then walked away not letting either of us see her face. I sat down next to Hope and put my arm around her. She cried even harder and moved away from me. All I've been trying to do is be nice to her but she is so concealed in her own little world to notice. I wish I knew what happened to her to make her who she is now. I know i was way different before "The Incident", but people change and there are just somethings that can't be changed. We found some logs to sit on as we waited. Silence took over us as we sat there awkwardly, not looking at each other. 


After a good bit we heard a rustling in the trees. I looked over at Hope and we shared a look. The rustling continued and Hope started to freak out. She started hyperventilating and pointed to the trees. I grabbed a big stick and slowly made my way to the clearing. I raised the stick above my head and waited for whatever was in the brush to come out. A shadowy figure came out from behind the trees and I swung my stick at it. I nearly missed its head before it shouted at me to stop. From the shadow emerged Elizabeth, who looked mad. She was mumbling and we couldn't understand her. Hope was the first to speak, "Did you find anyone?" Elizabeth looked back at Hope with steam practically coming out of her ears. 

"Does it look like I found anyone? huh?!" Hope backed away and didn't say anything. "I shouldn't even be here right now!"  We looked at her with confusion. "This was supposed to be only you guys! I was supposed to be with my friends right now laughing about how I ditched two losers in the mountains!" Hope gasped and covered her mouth. I called it, I thought. I would have smiled if I hadn't just noticed that Elizabeth was gonna leave us here to die. At that moment I felt like I was gonna have a meltdown, but I don't cry. EVER... 

"Why'd you come back then?" I asked courageously. She turned to look at me like I had just threatened to kill her family. Her eyes were red with anger and she took slow steps towards me. It wasn't long before she was in my face.

"I'm lost you buffoon! I don't want to be anywhere near you idiots right now!" she yelled in my face. At this point Hope was sobbing again and I was enraged. "Why can't you just take a hint?! No one likes you! You will never have friends that actually care about you!" 

"Stop it..." I said quietly, looking at the ground

"What? You're not going to do anything! You are a wimp and you will never be anyone!" She yelled, spitting in my face.

"Stop it..." I said a bit louder, still looking at the ground

"You have nothing...you are NOTHING!" She screamed.

"STOP IT!" I yelled into her face, before she could react Hope got up and tapped her on the shoulder. Elizabeth turned around and sneered at her.

"What?" she practically spit at Hope. Hope looked at the sky and mumbled something about being sorry and to forgive her. Then she looked at Elizabeth and punched her in the nose.


Thanks everyone for reading! Sorry the chapter was a little delayed, I've been busy with the blizzard and everything. Please vote and comment. I love you all, bye!

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