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Elizabeth's POV

I ran off crying through the woods, it was to tense and emotional. A flash back hit me like a metal bat. The images flashed before my eyes. It rushed right through me, I started to run, not planing to turn back. My past is horrible. I never told anyone, ever. I'm not about to admit it to these fools.

I stopped and leaned against a tree, gasping for breath. I heard Amanda and Hope crashing through the woods. I was to tired to run anymore. I would have to face my past once more. I hated it, I'm too tough for all this emotional crap! Tears were streaming down my face. My hair was messy and had knots and leaves in it. My coat was smeared with mud. "What was that for!?" Amanda breathed as they reached the oak sapling I stood by. "I can't tell you! I'm just stuck here with you two!" I yelled.

I wanted to scream to the world! WHY! "Just tell us! I practically poored out my whole embarassing life story to you, I suggest you do the same!" Amanda said angrily.

"I can't! I can't!" I gasped for breath. I started having an anxiety attack. I sank to the ground with my back against the tree. I put my hands in my hair and pulled my knees up to my chest. My anxieties are bad. I get them about natural disasters, my past, and nasty people with poor higene. My breath sped up and my whole body was shaking. "Calm down," Amanda said gently. "I can't relive my past! I'm never going back! I don't want to!" I screamed. "Please," Hope said quietly.

I sighed," okay, here it goes..."

"My family and I were on our way back from the hospital with my newborn baby sister.  It was a nice ride home at first. I was feeding my little sister, Anna. The radio was playing, my mom and dad were talking. I heard a big screech and looked up to see a truck headed straight for us. I still remember the was a silver Chevrolet pick up truck. It was a Kansas license plate. My mom and I screamed. Boom! It all went black."

Hope and Amanda were listening contently. I didn't dare make eye contact with them. I tried to go on more calmly, " When I woke up, my vision was all fuzzy, and it looked like I was in an ambulance. A sharp pain hit my forearm. I cried out, then they pricked my arm with a needle that made me fall asleep again and took away some of the pain."


" I woke up again, this time I was in a hospital. I heard yelps of pain from what sounded like my mom. I let my eyes wander around the room, nobody was there. A couple needles were in my left arm which ran to a monitor that was beeping steadily. An IV fluid bag was hanging beside my bed on a small coat rack looking thing. I looked to my right arm. It was in a purple wrapped cast resting on a pillow. The door to my room was closed, but I could still hear my mom. The monitor for my heart sped up as I started freaking out. I sat up a winced from the pain in my whole beat up body. I flung the covers off with my good arm. A nurse came in and made me lay back down. I said, ' where's my family! What happened to them!' she didn't' say anything, but gave me a solemn look. A few moments late she finally spoke up, ' honey, they died. Your mom is in this hospital, but she is badly hurt. I'm sorry.'"

The tears streamed down my face like it was happening all over again. I was choking for air and by now I was screaming my story, "The next day they put my arm in a sling and let me visit my mother. She had dark purple-blue bruises all over her, even on he face. She had a big gash on her forehead. She had a neck brace and  her left leg was hanging in a sling. Her pretty green eyes flashed open to look at me with the most loving respect. I walked slowly towards her bed. I bent to hug her and she hugged me back and ruffled my hair with a weak laugh. When we separated, we were both crying, because I'm guessing they told her what had happened too. A nurse came in and changed my mom's IV fluid bag and ushered me out of the room. I screamed and put up a fit, she was the only family I had left. Anna and my dad, both died. The only thing I kept saying to myself was, ' at least they're in a better place now. They'll be happy and will always watch over me.' I stayed in the hospital then I had to move to an orphanage until my mom gets better. I still live there today. I only get to see my mom once a week, It's better than a month, I guess. But every time I go to visit, she looks worse. She not going to make it. That stupid truck driver survived the crash! He took my family away from me! I should have been the one to die! Not Anna or my dad! He didn't have a scratch on him! That's why I act like I do! I feel the hatred and loss everyday of my miserable life! I have my smug attitude to try to cover my feelings for me, I haven't told my own best friends! Then they wonder why they can't have sleep overs and stuff! I hate my life!"

The rage was boiling in my blood, but at the same time my heart was broken into a million tiny pieces. I was crying and breathing so hard. Hope was crying too, probably because of that weird picture she kept. Amanda sank to the  ground beside me, " Elizabeth, I had no idea!"

"Don't say that! I don't deserve your sorrys! Hope should tell us about that picture she keeps, after all she still has a story to tell."

Hope starred off into the distance in horror.


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