A Day of Dread

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Hope POV

As I got my books out of my locker, I glanced at Elizabeth, who was placing a note on Amanda's locker. Why do I have to be in a group with them. Alex wasn't even here today, so I don't even get to see her!

"Go to home room, leave your lockers NOW" a teacher yelled. Gees, I feel sorry for the people who just got here. I went to home room (Mr Heberling). "Sorry everyone, the field trip has been canceled!". YES, IN YOUR FACE GROUP! "Ha, got you, I wanted to see if you really cared about the field trip, now I know you do!" Mr Heberling continued "now you showed me you wanted harder work!". Uhhhh, why did I believe that, now they will definitely mess things up! I wish I called in sick, it's easy, put a hot towel on your forehead ect., so many ways.

We got our stuff and went on the bus, it was assigned to sit with your group. I sat in the inside, knowing I was going to get squished, but I was the first to get on. Amanda sat in the middle, Elizabeth sat at the end. But that was only because she was 30 minutes late, and on purpose. She means trouble, I got out my phone. I texted Alex-
Where r u?
At home 🤒
So ur sick?
Then I best leave you to sleep
What are u going to do?
Avoid Elizabeth's spit balls
Well then I best not distract you!
I hope u feel better
I shut off my phone, I got my blanket and leaned against the window. "Hey Hope" someone yelled, I glanced over, it was Amanda. I pretended to be asleep, I don't want to talk to her.

I wake hearing a tropic song, Amanda had brung her ukulele. She should've known people would get annoyed. Elizabeth took it from her and shoved it in her bag. I got out a notebook and started drawing what I thought I could draw. I didn't do well, where was Elizabeth? Next thing you know she runs down the aisle and jumps on us! Yeah, it was really funny because I almost stabbed her with my pencil. "GET OFF OF ME" I yelled, I usually do that, my sister always clings to me, so I got used to it. "How long are we from the forest" Amanda asked. "3 hours and it has been 2 hours" the bus driver said. " You mean I have to stay here with these freaks for 3 more-" I blurted out on accident. Only Amanda heard, thank goodness.

One more hour to go, I got my phone out and earbuds and started watching a movie. Elizabeth pushed Amanda forward and yelled in my ear, "What are you watching", I replied back "get out of my face". Elizabeth spent the rest of her time pranking people. Or violence, the loud obnoxious girl is in my group!!!

Right when Voldemort in Harry Potter yelled "NOOOOO!" We got there. Now the horror begins, welcome to the nights of horror with Hope, another girl, and another girl. Now you step out of the bus and u realize you step on a snake. Here is what you do, pause everything, quickly switch places with another girl. Unpause and your problem is solved, it's also a win win too. You got rid of the girl and you didn't get bitten! I got my stuff and gathered it and went out with them. Let's see how many days are we here? One and it is 1:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. WOO- NO. I'll be tired of Amanda's sass and perfect attitude in one minute. Let the horror begin.


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