Ch 55

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I'm sorry, the chapter before this was deleted and i can't be bothered writting it again, so if you get confused as to what's going on, i'm sorry.

But to sum it up, Ash attacked Christian, who refused to fight. Sky tried to stop him, Ash killed him and then Irana had to stop him (and accidently telling him she didn't want him him to be alpha because he's an idiot -and she said some other things) he left changed back, tried to talk to her but she refused, and he walked out the door.Mikki told Irana she didn't want Ash to be alpha, and Carson said they had no choice in the matter unless another male stepped up and confronted Ash, which only left Christian but he refused and walked out.

Oh the drama.

Continue on with the story. 

The air was cool, fresh in my lungs and nice against my warm flesh. My paws hardly sink through the snow, my nose low against the snow dusted ground. Spring had officially invaded; the snow had all practically melted except for under the thickest trees where the sun couldn’t touch the ground, animals wondered through the forest on quiet hooves or paws and the smell of earth was starting to overtake the smell of fresh snow.

I feel mud, sticks and rocks on the ground; smell a rabbit and the musk of deer on the wind. Birds overhead twitter softly, cooing to each other or flutter from tree to tree as the look for mice or insects on the ground.

Tori makes a short bark and noses in small pile of wet branches. A mouse shoots out from its hiding place and scurries away from the wolves.

I keep moving on silent paws, refusing to chase the mice that birds swooped up when they got far enough away from us. I refused to nip at the others, ignored anyone who pushed into me.

I knew how they felt. Light, weightless, powerful and full of energy, like spring had awoken the part of me that had been sleeping, buried with the snow that fell.

But despite my muscles begging to let loose, my wolf half wanting to run and never stop til my feet were bleeding or my lungs gave out, I wouldn’t run, or jump or play. I had something I needed to do, and this was more important them using my muscles to run mile after mile, racing an invisible competitor.

I step out of the trees, aware everyone else had within the bushes, waiting.

He was where he said he’d be. This car was shiny silver against the dark road and blue sky. His head was down, mussy and dark with circles under his eyes. But he was alive, and that’s all I care about.

Max looks up, eyes slightly glassy. The relief that crosses his face was clear and his shoulders slump.

He’d been worried I wasn’t coming.

So had I.

He stares at me, unflinching as I lock gazes with him.

Maybe I was selfish, maybe I was heartless or so weak hearted I couldn’t even think about Max dying. I was horrible, for wanting to put my brother through pain and agony, just to see if I could keep him close to me.

My ear flicks when Ally yelp and I hear dirt and snow being torn up. Another yelp comes but I ignore the wolves wrestling.

“I told mum I was moving out,” Max crocks, not taking his eyes off me despite the sounds of wolves in the forest.

I wished I could smile at him; tell him he was doing to right thing. But I didn’t know if this was the right thing. I didn’t know if destroying his life for my own benefit was the good thing to do.

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