Ch 13 Full of good idea's

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“No!” I shriek staggering into the hallway. “Your hands are cold!” I complain half running half spilling down the hallway. Christian laughs at me.

“Really?! I didn’t notice!” he says grabbing me with arms that still had water glimmering on them.

His cold hands raise goose bumps over my arms and make my stomach feel funny. “Stop! Let me go!” I laugh hitting his arms. I was still naked but I didn’t care, I wanted to get away from his cold hands, his cold skin.

“No! I told you I’m make you pay!” he grunts as I struggle, nearly choking on his own laughter.

We’d been hunting earlier, looking for some pray and a found a river. We’d been following it when I’d playfully bumped Christian. He’d growled semi-playfully, telling me he didn’t want me pushing him in the river. 10 minutes later he was climbing out of the river, soaked to the bone.

He pulls me to his chest which was still damp. “I just thought I’d give you a nice big hug!” Christian laughs and lifts me of the floor, his arms still squishing my lower ribs.

“Lemme go!” I say kicking the air.

“Never!” Christian say loudly.

Someone pokes their head out of the lounge room, followed by too more.

“What are you doing?” Ally grins.

“Yeah, what are you doing?” Tori muses pulling Ally’s hair away so she could see.

Ash shakes his head and raises an eye brow. “I don’t think I want to know,” he comments before going back into the lounge room.

Ally and Tori snicker before disappearing in a fit of giggle into the lounge room after Ash.

I slip out of Christians grip and lope towards the stairs. “Hay, I wasn’t done with you!” He shouts after me.

Sky looks up from the pool table as I barrel up the stairs and onto the balcony overlooking the lounge room. “Where’s the fire?” he laughs.

“Chasing me!” I call back as I run down the hall, hearing Christian laughing as he races after me.

I slid into the bedroom and go to slam the door but Christian holds to door open. “You think you could lose me that easily?”

“I was hoping!” I chuckle. Christian pushes the door and in one shift movement hooks an arm around my waist and throws me onto the bed. I let out a strangled sound and try to sit up.

“Shift” he sings.

“No” I say trying to squirm from under his arms.

“I’m a higher rank then you. Now I said shift, that’s an order”

My stomach flips and my bones burn with agony. Suddenly I’m a wolf, laying on my back and staring up at Christian. Just as when Bray had ordered me to shift I had too, giving into the higher ranks power. And now here I was again, being forced to shift because of someone of a higher rank. I seriously needed a higher rank.

Christian grins at me a ruffles the fur on my head. I growl at him but it slowly patters out to a half purr. My eyes drift closed and lean into his hand, wanting him to scratch behind my ear.

I’m not even going to try and explain the feeling, unless you’re a wolf getting you head scratched you don’t know what it’s like.

Suddenly something’s cold thrown onto my face. I yelp jump backwards. I fall to the floor in a heap, my face, neck and shoulders  dripping with water. I shake myself off and look over the bed as Christian who was laughing hysterically and holding an empty glass which had been sitting on my nightstand a few seconds ago, half filled with water but was now empty.

I snarl at him and leap onto the bed, the blankets sinking under my paws. Christian pauses in his laughing long enough to look at me, set the glass down and say ‘shit’ before he runs for the door. I jump off the bed, half-heartedly chasing him, but I may as well have not even tried. Christian slam the door closed and I hear him shout something along the lines of ‘in your case!’….or maybe it was ‘in your face’. I wasn't entirely sure.

“I heard about your training season with Christian” Bray says as I fall onto the boys laps later that day.

Christian grunts and chuckles at me, poking my cheek playfully. Ash growls but doesn't push me off while Sky just laughs and tries to tickle my feet.

“Yeah? And what do you think about it?” I ask before send Sky a playful snarl. “Not gonna work Sky! My feet aren't ticklish!”

Sky pouts then looks up. “What! Christian! Why!? Where on the same team!” he yells tapping buttons on the controller.

“I think it’s a good idea” Bray says neutrally.

“Okay than” I say poking Christian stomach making him flinch and grunt.

“If you really have a problem with the pack we can work up to that size. One or two people teaching you, then we can get another person in, and so on.”

“Sounds good” I say smiling at him.

“Tomorrow you can go hunting with Tori and Ally, and Ash will show you our territory and where you can and can’t go”

“Why me?” Ash says glaring at the screen.

“Because I said. Besides, you’re the reason she’s here, she’s your responsibility” Bray says calmly.

Ash growls again. I roll off the boys laps, not wanting Ash to push me onto the ground like he had last time. 

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