Ch 1 Stained in blood

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I looked up at the sky, seeing the white speaks of snow swirling and drifting in a freezing breeze.  A bitter cold flack of snow landed on my nose. I barely notice as it melts and a small drop runs down my cheek. The dark grey clouds grumble and a flare of lightning flashes across the sky, making the clouds brighter and more pleasant then the dark glum darkness.
 I blink and see the wolves face, it’s icy eyes penetrating as it watched me.
I open my eyes again. Trees stood over me, the tops swaying in the bitter cold.
My eyes flutter closed. In the darkness, behind my eyelids, I see the Wolf crouching low amongst the close to dead bushes. Its ears laid back, its tail horizontal to the ground and it’s backside raised slightly, the fur bristled.
I reopen my eyes and take a shaky breath, the icy air burning my throat and lungs. I glance beside me, checking so slightly as to where the Wolves had disappeared. They was nowhere in sight,  none of the pack. I was alone.
I look back up to the sky, feeling my heart beating unbroken my chest, the beat steady but feeble. My arms felt numb, as did my chest and stomach. It was like I’d been given sedatives by some doctors, but too much and my body was insensitive.
I close my eyes, unable to keep the heavy lids open. But the darkness which is supposed to be my safe haven is haunted with wolves, the wolves with my blood covering the muzzles, their breath, which had not long ago been hot against my skin creasing it, teeth ripping my flesh as they fought over me.
I recall the event in detail, too realistic and painful for my liking. From when I was walking, my shoes sinking into loose snow, my breath making clouds in front of my face. The wind played with my hair which I had tried to tie back but was coming loose again. I had been thinking about home, I wanted to have a hot shower before crawling into bed with a good book, or with my laptop to waste time before dinner.
I recall the weird feeling I’d felt a second before seeing the wolves. My skin pricked and my mind told me I was being watched. I’d turned, looking around. The area behind my house and the neighbour wasn’t that scary. But I’d felt fear wrap its dark claws around me as I turned to face the wolf. It was crouched in the snow, its dark brown coat contrasting against the white snow. I don’t know how I hadn’t seen it; it stood out so much now that I’d noticed it.
My breath caught in my chest and my heart stuttered. Movement drew my attention a few meters away where a light grey Wolf stalked, eyes trained on me, half a meter away another wolf shadowed it, this one much darker.
I’d stepped back, my breath coming short and hard. A few weeks earlier a girl had been attacked by the wolves, dragged into the forest. No one had found her body, but there was no way she was still alive after how much blood there was. Plus, it was one girl against a pack of hungry wolves.
Suddenly the woods had seemed more scary and haunting.
I stepped back again, my feet pressing into resistant snow which threatened to trip me. I turned, catching a glimpse of another wolf, its pelt rust red, brown fur peeking though. I started walking again; I didn’t know what else to do. They could smell me, no point in staying still and hoping they lost interest. But to run may lead them to thinking of a chase.
I looked up as something moves. Another wolf stalked through the snow, black pelt gleaming in the light. I’d bitten my lip to stop from making a sound of distress.
But they’d sensed it or something. One of the wolves, the first one I’d seen, sprung. I’d barely draw a breath before I’d been pushed into the snow, the wolves’ heavy body pressing me into the cold ice. It’s warm body had pushed my body down, the weight crushing me. Its paws pressed into my shoulders, its muzzle grazing my collar bone, over my shoulder, the wet nose grazing my jumper. Before I could get my breath back its teeth tore into my arms.
I gasped and tried to get it off me but another wolf was already with us, one of its back paws pressing against my shoulder, ripping at my stomach. Tears brimmed my eyes before falling freely. The black wolf shredded my shirt and all I could do was let out a pained cry. I couldn’t tell how many there were but it was a sea of body’s, paws pressing into me, hot breath creasing my skin, tongues licking at my blood, teeth destroying my flesh.
I cried out again, trying to push them off but nothing worked, they pinned me into the snow effortlessly. I felt frustrated and terrified. I was going to die here, wolves shredding me apart, my tears falling into the snow to freeze, my cries only being heard by trees and possible birds.
I felt like a rag doll under the wolves as they fought over me. A wolfs bloody paws slid against my cheek before resting on the snow. I feel the wolves’ noses poking at my stomach, paws pressing into my ribs, fur rubbing my legs. I let out a sound of pain as teeth clamp down on my arm. Bloody snow flicked into my face as a wolf jumps back. For a second I don’t understand why, but then a large red wolf snaps at it again, driving it further away.
It snaps at another and it too jumps back, a drop of blood falling from its muzzle and into the stained snow. Another wolf freezes, turning towards the red wolf. Without any coaxing it falls away, grey white paws stained red with blood. Before I can identify what’s happening the wolves paws weren’t pinning me down.
The wolves snarled and barked at each other as they melted into the trees, before I knew it they were gone and I was alone in the snow, bleeding and scared. The snow around me was stained in my blood and I didn’t want to look down at my stomach, I didn’t want to know what state I was in.
So now here I am, a few minutes, or maybe hours later, the sun setting, lightening glaring down at me, my body numb, my eyes heavy, my blood turning the snow crimson. If I made it through the night it would be a miracle.
Darkness consumes me, the wolves snarls and bark filling my head, the memory of their breaths on my skin, the feeling of paws immobilizing me. I knew I should be in pain, I knew I should be still crying, screaming for help, but even if I could find the energy there was no use. I was too far from anyone to hear. And my tears would only freeze on my cheeks. To cry would be meaningless.

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