Ch 12 Solution found

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Tori and Ally were so silly as wolves. I watched from my bedroom window as they played in the snow outside. They raced over the snow like race horses over a track, or like a grey hound after a rabbit. But they had no goal, no finish. They raced along the tree line, squirmed under a fence then tore across the open ground until they reached the house, disappear around a wall and come back a minute later on the other side before starting all over again, only changing a minor things.

How they had that much energy I didn’t know. It was almost like someone had given them too much coffee and energy drinks and now they couldn’t sit still.

Tori and Ally suddenly clash together and I hear them yelping playfully at each other as they crumble into the snow. 

Movement catches my eyes and I look down to see a tanned wolf skirting the house, keeping out of sight of the other two wolves playing. Embers ears flicker towards them and she freezes, listening to them playing. A few seconds pass before she resumes moving. She slides under the wooden fence and without a glance back slides into the trees and within seconds is only a ghost of movement.

I start as the door opens. I turn to see Christian standing in the doorway, shirtless and without any pants. A pair of loose navy boxers hang low on his hips.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Can you come outside for a while, I wanna try something. And you won’t need any clothes”

Leaving the door open he walks out. With a sigh I stand up from the window seat and pull my shirt over my head. I still didn’t like being semi-naked around the guys –or the girls- but they’d seen me butt naked several times now and no one had ever said anything. They couldn’t, they were naked too some times. The good thing about the guys was they weren’t like normal guys, they didn’t perve all the time, I guess they had gotten used to seeing girls naked by now.

Besides, I could get undressed outside; the clothes get all wet, then icy and is a pain when you’re bringing them inside. So getting undressed in your room was easier.

Once I’m only left in my underwear I plod down the stairs, listening for where people were. Sky was in his room, typing on a computer I think. I hear Vic and Bray talking in the study and I assumed Carson was with them.

I pass the lounge room and spot Ash lying on his back and gazing up and the roof deep in thought. He doesn’t even glance at me as I pass.

Outside the airs freezing cold and causes my stomach to turn over. “What are we doing out here” I ask shivering.

“I was thinking, you said you had problem with the pack. What about if you just had one or two people with you instead of everyone? Then maybe we can teach you without you having a spaz attack” he says lightly and brush some hair from his hair.

Hesitatingly I nod. “It might work”

“Good” Christian smiles. “Then you better strip” he says the drops his boxers. I slap a hand over my eyes. I still couldn’t get use to that. Christian chuckles and I hear him shift. A few seconds later I feel him brushing against my leg.

I uncover my eyes and push him away with my leg. “Turn around,” I scowl.

Christian lets out a huff and does as I ask. Quickly I pull the remaining off my clothes off and change, feeling the dull agony clawing though my veins. Once I’ve changed I pad up beside Christian who glances at me before trotting towards the forest.

I follow after him but glance back at Tori and Ally suddenly hearing their silence. They lay in a heap, Ally half laying on Tori, her front leg around her neck. Tori’s leg stuck out from under Ally along with her tail. They were unmoving, watching me and Christian as we made our way towards the forest.

Christian jumps between two boards in the fence and turns to make sure I was getting though okay. I shimmy under the fence before bounding over to him. He noses the air in front of my face which I had learned was as good as pat on the back for wolves.

Christian suddenly takes off, bolting between the trees like a hunter was after him. Heat burns though my veins and I suddenly feel as if I needed to run. My skin itched with it, my bones crying in silent longing.

I dart after Christian, trying to keep up as he weaves bushes, over logs and around trees. My heart fills my head, my paws sink into snow and my veins run with electricity.

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