Ch 22 Dominate males

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“Get up!” Mikki shouts throwing open door. I jump slightly but otherwise don’t move-but that might have been because Ah’s arm was pinning me down. I was surprised to find him still dead to the world- boy can he sleep. “Oh…… my bad,” Mikki grins and closes the door slowly.

Carefully I roll over til I could catch a glimpse of the alarm o’clock which informed me it was nearly 12. “Ugh, two more hours….” I mutter rolling back over til I was nestled into Ash chest again. He makes a sound between a grunt and a moan before rolling onto his side and slinging his arm across my body. I groan as Ash squeezes my waist tightly and a second later releases me enough so I could breathe. “That wasn’t nice,” I huff softly but rest my forehead against his chest anyway.

“Wasn’t it?” he says pushing my head back so I could see his playful, lazy grin. “Then I better improve my game. Maybe starting with….this” he pushes his lips onto mine gently, seizing me senseless. He kisses me keenly, pinning me between my matrass, his body and his arm.

Single-mindedly I kiss back, aware of his creeping in dominance. His lips open so he could bite my lip gently and after a second I open my mouth. Ash smirks slightly and moves strait in, exploring my every inch of my mouth til we both couldn’t breathe anymore and he had to pull back. “Is that nice?” he whispers against my lips, arousing my desire to kiss him again.

“No, that was cruel, you can’t leave me hanging” I whisper while feeling winded.

Something crosses over Ash’s face before he grin’s slyly. “You asked for it” he pushes us over more until he was nearly laying on me. His lips find mine as he pines me down, only his arms resting on the bed stopping him from crushing me. He kisses me fervently, dominance making him single-minded and persistent. It was almost forceful and commanding; as if I had to do what he wanted.

His weight pinned me down; his lips assaulted mine with kisses that made my mind spin from lake of oxygen. My fingers slide down the back of his neck, feeling over skin til they ran over the curve between his shoulders and neck and onto his collar bones. Carefully I pushed him away, feeling dazed.

Ash grinned down at my slyly, a look of shrewd knowledge in his eyes. “Sorry, did I take your breath away?” he smirks.

I make a sound of annoyance, even though I couldn’t help but smile. “Shut up” I breath and push him off me. Ash falls to the side dramatically, not leaving out the ‘ugh!’ as he hit the bed like it was concrete he’d hit after falling out of a car. He sends me a dishonest smile which I roll my eyes at before sliding out of the bed. I pull my nightgown down and head over to the closet, searching for something to wear today.

Ash’s P.O.V

I admire Irana’s long legs as she searches through the draws for something to wear. I saw about to comment on her legs but so she could call me a pervert but she closes the draw with a soft thud before padding into bathroom. I fall back onto the bed, closing my eyes at the memory of her long, bare legs. God, I was a pervert.

Remembering that I was supposed to tell Irana about why she a wolf I sit up cursing. I throw the blankets up but pause when my feet touch the carpet. My skin itches with the cold but I ignore it.

I push off the bed and make my way over to the bathroom door which Irana hid behind. I hesitate before knocking but after a small debate I lower my hand and turn around.

I pass the time by pacing up and down her room, practising what I was going to say. Usually things that came off the top of my head were better since I wasn’t trying to remember what I was going to say, but this time if I said the wrong thing Irana would turn to water and slip through my fingers. And just when I’d finally got hold of her.

Envisaging Irana’s face I flinch. What if she cries? Or screams and throws things at me? I didn’t want to tell her. Screaming I can handle anger and disappointment, I can deal with that. Waterworks? I think I’d rather stand in front of a raging bull while wearing a red dress, so much easier to handle.

The bathroom door opens and Irana walks out and makes a face at seeing me standing in the middle of her bedroom like a lost puppy. “What are you still doing in here?” she asks semi-sceptically

“Waiting for you” I reply smoothly. My eyes wonder down to her loose jumper then towards her baggy sweats she was wearing.

“Oh really?” She grins slightly, a little bit of coyness leaking into it.

“Yep, have I told you how hot you are?” I mentally slap myself. Why?! Why did I say that! Idiot! She probably thinks your trying to get into her pants! Which you sort of are- no-not like that- UGH!

“Um….” Irana frowns at me again, her cheeks pink from blushing.

“Forget I said that,” I laugh and awkwardly scratch the back of my head.

Irana’s P.O.V

“Sure” I nod slowly, unable to help but frown at Ash. He wasn’t acting right. What happened to the cocky, confident Ash who was kissing me breathless?

He drops his arm to his side and smiles at me timidly. “So…”

“I’m hungry” I say before the situation could get any more awkward. I mull over what was going on inside Ash’s head as I head for the door. Was it because I hadn’t brushed my teeth? Ugh, embarrassing. I screw my nose up at the thought. Good thing I brushed my teeth.

The door slamming closed jolts me from my thoughts and I look up at Ash startled. My hand was on the handle, my breathing temporally creased because Ash stood over me, his chest touching my arm and his breath on my face as I looked up at him. He suddenly looked like himself again, his eyes dared me to open the door, his arm trapped me and the slight tilt of his head made me nervous. “Irana,” he says softly but a warning was under it. A good two minute passed before he leaned down to me, his nose nearly touching mine.

“What?” I whisper when he says nothing.

Ash stay’s silent while his eyes roam my face. Finally he shifts ever so slightly and lifts the hand that wasn’t holding the door closed. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

Seeing my questioning look he shakes his head, a smirk creeping onto his face. “Did I take your breath away?”

Laughing slightly I push at his shoulder. “Yes, now can I go find something to eat?”

Ash groans radically and removes his hand from the door. I make a show of opening the door and turning to look at him as if asking permission. When he just stares at me amused I step out slowly, always keeping my eyes on him. Once completely in the hallway I release the handle and stride down the hallway.

Suddenly I hear a loud slapping sound and glance over my shoulder to see Ash with his hand over his forehead. With a sting of muttered curses he removes his hand and starts after me, looking tormented. I place a hand over my mouth, refusing to laugh because Ash now had a bright red mark of his palm on his head. “What are you laughing at?” Ash grumbles as he walking over, glaring at the ground.

“Ash….” I breathe and reach up to rub my thumb over red skin. “You’ve got a red mark on your forehead”

Ash groans and pushes away my hand.

“What’s up?” I ask frowning at him. I lower my hand to my side slowly, trying not to show how put out that made me feel.

“Nothing,” despite his best efforts of sounding indifferent I heard the bleakness and frustration.

“Have you ever noticed when people say ‘nothing’ they really mean ‘something’s wrong’ but I don’t want to admit it’?” after casting him a meaningful look I turn down the hallway and head for the stairs. 

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