Ch 33 Busted

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“Bray” Sky says in a shaky voice. “I think you need to see this”

I glance up from the floor, curious as to why Sky sounds so timorous. He was staring at the newspaper, anxiousness clear on his face.  Mikki looks up too, cocking her head. I could smell curiosity radiate off her; it filled the air with a musky odour, one which made my nose wrinkle.

“What?” Bray asks taking the newspaper from Sky’s hands. His eyes scan over that paper but his face stays blank. Bray lifts his head after a minute and looks at Mikki. “Go get the rest of the pack, hurry”

Mikki bolts from the room, leaving me sitting in front of the scrabble board alone. I glance towards her letters, debating whether or not too look at them, I mean it’s not like knowing her letters will help me, but it’d waste time while she rounded up the others. I reach for them, a cheeky smile on my face but I hear Vic chuckle. “Cheater” he comments but says nothing more.

I draw my hand away when someone walks in, the letters forgotten. Ember glances at me then wrinkles her nose up at the game.

I rest my chin on my folded hands as I wait for everyone to wonder into the room. “Scrabble?” Ash asks spotting me sitting on the floor.

“Yeah. What of it?” I challenge, eyeing him as he wonders over.

“Nothing” He chuckles. His dark eyes flash as they move over me and again I get the feeling of him being more predator then man. It scared me and thrilled me at the same time. I was getting more the former lately, unfortunately. His eyes land on the board in front of my crossed legs. “Fish-legs?”

“What? It’s a name off a movie” I say defensively.

“Can’t use names in Scrabble,” Ash smirks.

“We’re not playing that way, besides, Mikki stared it. She put done jerk”

Ash looks at me confused. “That’s not a name”

“Yeah, it’s yours isn’t it?”

Ash doesn’t take the bait; instead he grins and shakes his head. “You’re a weird one, Irana”

“That’s why you love me” I grin. I climb to my feet and let Ash pull me into an embrace.

“Correct” Ash kisses my cheek before leading me to the couch where we collapse next to Christian who was trying to imitate a fish. “That’s a very unattractive look Christian” Ash points out.

“That’s funny, the girls seem to swoon when they see this” Christian dramatically flips his hair then runs his fingers puts a finger to his bottom lip while posing for an invisible camera.

“I give him 10 for originality” I say trying to bite back my laughter.

Christian gives a mock bow, a silly grin plastered over his face.  “Why, thankyou my fair lady!”

“SHHH!!!!” Sky hisses at us, sounding irritated like he’d told us ten times. Which wouldn’t be surprising, considering none of us we’re listening.

“There’s been another attack” Bray says holding up the newspaper. On the front was a picture of a black and white picture of a girl with short hair in school uniform.

“Does that mean….” Ember trailed off, looking beyond shocked.

“Pauls pack obviously attacked her…unless anyone has to own up for something?” Bray looks at us one by one, looking down on us. His eyes meet mine and a second later are moving onto Ash’s, then Christians and so on. “No?”

“Are they putting up the okay for wolf hunting?” Mikki asks weakly. The smell of fear coiled through the room, stinking out the room with its bitter smell. My heart beat too hard in my chest and I couldn’t seem to move or breathe properly. Another attack. Some people were pushing for the wolves to be hunted, but so far the law against hunting the wolves was still in play, keeping them safe. Us safe.

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