Ch 25 I deserved it

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“Are feeling okay?” I ask Ember worriedly. She was leaning her shoulder against the wall and a faint look of queasiness had washed her face out. She turned her tanned face towards me, her eyes vulnerable.

“Fine” she says calmly as Sky pads down the hall. One he’s out of ear shot she shakes her head. “I feel sick” she says softly and guides herself along the wall towards her bedroom door.

“Are you going to be sick…?” I ask sheepishly.

Ember wags her head, a weak smile on her face. “No…I just…need to sleep”

Glancing down the hallway I find we were the only one’s upstairs. “Is it the….you know….” I suggest quietly, not really wanting to ask if it was from her being pregnant. People in this house had the hearing of wolves- literally. Some mornings I could hear Carson and Bray talking in bed and knew that if I tried hard enough I would know what they said, word for word.

Ember shrugs and pushes open her bedroom door. “Might be” she sighs and sinks onto the bed. 

Kicking the door closed I step into the room. “Ember” I ask softly, bitting my lip as I debated with myself weather or not to ask the question that had been bothering me for since I found out.

“Mh” Ember hums and pushes herself up against the head board.

“I know it’s none of my business and all but…. I’ve been wondering…. who is the father of the baby?” instantly I felt stupid.

“His names Luke,” she says in a tone that ended the conversation.

A heavy minute passes and Ember makes no attempt to start a conversion so I head for the door feeling slightly annoyed at her. What was the big deal about tell me who the father was. I swing the door open but before I step out I glance back at Ember sitting on the bed, her legs pulled to her body as she stared at the wall blankly. “My bet is that it’s from the other pack, isn’t it?” I ask impassively but don’t give her time to answer before walking out.

I know it was a bit mean but I felt irritated and couldn’t help it. And my mood didn’t improve when Sky poked his head into the hallway and pronounced that I was doing dinner. “Why?” I snap questionably.

“Carson isn’t going to be home to make it, Ash and Christian glared at me when I suggested they make it. Ally and Tori can’t even make toast without setting of the smoke alarm and Mikki’s being a mull” Sky shrugs unfazed.

“Bray? Vic? You!?” I throw my arm at him to prove my point only to be met by him laughing.

“Bray won’t be here and don’t like to do anything in the kitchen besides eat. As for Vic…well, you’d find tree bark a more appetizing meal then what he makes”

“Hey!” Vic shouts from downstairs but I could hear him laughing.

“So you’re making it or we’re starving” Sky shrugs apathetically and vanishes down the stairs. With an unsatisfied growl I stalk down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

An hour later I was still glowering as everyone sat at the table eating happily. I’d went from slightly annoyed to wanting to throw knives at people and would have if they hadn’t kept ducking out of the room before I’d had the chance. Every two minutes someone waltzed in for something and people I’m not going to mention names but two girl decided it would be fun to hide things on me- *cough* Ally and Tori *cough*

“What do you think Carson and Bray are doing right now?” Christian inquires with a wicked glint in his eyes.

“Eating popcorn!” Tori shouts cheerfully.

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