Ch 18 Confess

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Ash’s P.O.V

“Are you going to tell her?” Bray asks lining up the pool cue with the white ball on the table.

“Yeah, I just…” I run a hand through my hair because I really didn’t know what to say. I wanted to tell Irana, but at the same time it seemed so…irrelevant. “I just haven’t found the time”

“Like how you couldn’t tell her while you were eating her face off last night?” Sky teases. He was leaning again the pool stick, his blond hair falling in his eyes.

I roll my eyes at him and open my mouth to snap at him for the comment but Bray’s stick hit’s the ball and both me and Sky turn to see what was going to happen. Bray pockets a ball and does a fist pump while Sky just rolls his eyes. “Mature” he says sarcastically.

“You just grumpy because I have a chance of winning” Bray shoots back with a smirk.

“Grumpy? The grumpy one here is Ash!” Sky grins and positions himself against the pool table.

“I’m not grumpy!” I say defensively and take in both of their face. “I’m not….I just don’t like you two” I snort crossing my arms.

“Yeah you seem to like Irana all right. I’m sort of glad you don’t like me in that way, ugh!” Sky pretends to throw up then flinches when Bray hits him over the top of the head.

“Shut up you. As for you Ash, you do know the longer you hold of telling her the more she’ll find it upsetting. You may as well as tell her now and get it over and done with”

I blink at Bray, slightly dazed because he sounded so wise and serious. It was true though, I knew the longer I held out the more upset Irana was gonna be. I glance down the stairs and listen to the girls laughing. They were trying to make cakes and come choc chip cookies. So far all I’d heard was giggles and scream. When I’d went down and cheeked on them earlier –hoping to steal a cookie or two- I found the count and floor covered in flour, two eggs smashed in the sink, a castle of sugar on one of the benches and coco powder sticking to the fridge (I think they smashed more eggs there and the coco power stuck to the egg’s remains). I’d also found 5 dirty gremlins-the girls- fighting over a packet of chocolate chips.

I was wondering what Ember would think when she got home since she wasn’t too keen on the food fights and flour everywhere in the kitchen. Carson didn’t care that much I suppose because she tossed a handful of bi carb at me – which would explain the white powder on my shirt.

“Just tell her strait, then kiss her senseless so she can’t yell at you. Always works for me” Sky comments, still on the topic of telling Irana that-

I jump as someone screams. Mikki runs up stairs, yellow egg yolk in her hair was the only colour on her since she was covered head to toe in flour. Ally and Tori run after her laughing, both of them carrying as many eggs as they could carry.  Ally drops an egg which cracks on the wooden floor and Tori throws an egg at Mikki’s back but it misses completely and smashes against the wall. But none of them were deterred. Mikki runs into her room but before she could close the door Ally and Tori were sliding in.

We stand their silently for a minute, all of us not quite sure what to say. Finally Bray massages his forehead and mutters “they better clean that up”

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