Ch 6 Aggression

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“Come on Irana, you can do it!” Tori shout’s suddenly. Her and Ally were so close they were like sisters.

“Go Miki!” Ally calls without missing a beat and throws her fist into the air.

I glance at Mikki. She had golden blond hair and dark brown eyes. She didn’t seem to like me that much. But I wasn’t sure if that was because she didn’t like my personality or if she didn’t like that there was a new wolf. Mikki had been changed only two weeks before me, about three weeks ago and she was still trying to learn how to change. All of her changes happened at random, just like mine did.

So now, we were standing in snow past our ankles, half naked and shivering. We were told you’re more likely to shift when you’re cold, so that’s why we’re shivering our butts off. Mikki took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I felt the air around her shift and my skin prickled. Everyone turned to Mikki.

Even I turn to Mikki to see if she’ll get it. So far the best we’d done is made our selves feel sick. “I can’t do it!” She says aggravated.

“Saying you can’t do it won’t help,” Carson says pulling her jumper closer to herself. “Breath though it”

“But I can’t!” Mikki throws her hands up but then with an annoyed growl closes her eyes. 

The air shifts again, my nerves prickling. And as I watch Mikki shift, so fast a barely catch how, but I hear bones snapping and bending. Than she’s a white wolf, almost vanishing against the snow. She looks down, her ears flicking. She lets out a snort I assume is supposed mean she’s happy.

Carson grins and stripes free of her jacket. After throwing down the rest of her clothes –minus her underwear- she shifts too. She was a cream coloured wolf, white and black streaked fur. Together they take off towards the forest. Vic suddenly runs past my legs making me jump. He looped after them, a black smudged against the white snow. Ally and Tori seemed torn, weather to shift too and run after them, or to see if I was going to change.

I couldn’t blame them for wanting to run. Yesterday I’d shifted twice. The first one while –annoyingly- I was in the shower. It had taken me 15 minutes of hot water before I shifted back, while being yelled at to get out. I’d shifted again just before dinner while I tried to win in pool against Sky. He’s laughed when I shifted and look down at me and said; ‘good thing it’s not your turn’ before pocketing a ball and grinning at me. I was a wolf for nearly half an hour and had to wait to change back before I got dinner.

Christian and Sky had laughed at me the whole time, well; Christian was until I stole a piece of chicken and ran for it. But my point was that even though those short periods of time I’d ran around a bit- or a lot, like when Christian was chasing after me yelling; ‘thief’ while everyone else laughed. But I had gotten the idea of it and was thrilled to run around, my body seeming have endless energy pulsing through it.

“Your turn” Bray commands turning to me.

I let out a breath and close my eyes. I imagined turning into a wolf, feeling my veins run with warmth and my bones changing. My stomach rolled and coiled, turning in on itself and clenching. But my bones didn’t ach, and I didn’t change.

“Breathe through it” Bray directs, seeming calm and in control

I open my eyes to throw bray a quick glare before closing my eyes again. I take a deep breath and again think about changing, my bones snapping and moving, my stomach twisting. But I take a deep breath; let myself feel it in my chest. But I don’t change.

I open my eyes. “Nothing,” I comment.

“Try again,” Bray says turning back to me.

I let out a huff and close my eyes. Again I want the change, imagine feeling it.

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