Ch 19 Bloodied

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I almost couldn’t see where I was going I was having that much fun. My paws slide though snow silently, my breaths leaving me in fast pants. Mikki’s yaps happily, her tail high as she dashes though the snow. It was hard following her because she was white, invisible in the frosty world. Mikki turns sharply and I see the rabbit flying off to the left. We tear after it again, full of unused energy and excitement.

I duck under a tree branch before skidding around a tree. Mikki’s ear flickers to me and back as we run, snow flying up behind us.

The rabbit darts left again but then turns right, as if it couldn’t make up its mind in which direction to go. I jump forward to grab the rabbit my paws sink into soft snow as the rabbit scurries away from me.

As second later I hear a squeal and turn my head to see Mikki’s paws on the rabbit. It was dusted a light grey, its face white as its eyes were wide as it squirmed under Mikki’s paws. Mikki yaps and looks down at it as it struggles. It freezes as Mikki’s leans down to poke it with her nose but she recoils a second later yelping loudly.

If I would have laughed if I could. I guess Mikki won’t be putting her nose anywhere near a rabbit’s head again, they bite. I watch the rabbit bolt into the snow. Mikki’s whines on the ground, her paw on her nose as if that would somehow stop the pain. I crawl over to her and with my own paw push her off her face. She wasn’t bleeding but you could see she’d been bitten, a little bit of fur was missing and her skin was red.

I send an image to Mikki of her nose but all I get back is her whining a bit more.  Mikki stands up and after a second of looking around gives me an image of the house. I nod my head and after a second of debating we start heading in a direction we thought it was to the house.

Spring was really starting to set in, the snow was melting slowly and I could hear some more birds calling, trees were starting to get leaves and I could smell younger animals, such as baby deer’s and young rabbit litters twitching in the snow.

I stop dead in my tracks as I hear someone howl. It was loud and panicked the sound going through my head. I turn towards the sound, wondering what to do. It was the sound of someone needing help. My wolf side wanted to go to the person, to see what was happening but my human side was stuck here, unsure of what to do. I look around as if to find Bray for instructions. But he wasn’t here.

Mikki looks at me as if wanting to know what I was thinking but the howl comes again and we both look towards the noise. Making up my mind I push an image of us going to help Carson who was the wolf calling.

But suddenly something jumps through the bushes startling both of us. Mikki takes on the submissive side, her tail going between her legs and her ears back as she nearly rolls onto her side. I do the opposite however. My tail raises and I turn toward whatever had startled us with a growl.

Christian doesn’t even pause as he pads over and within seconds he’s pushing me towards the house. A second later Vic jumps though the trees ushering Mikki’s back to the house. Reluctantly I do as Christian says, making sure to flick him in the face with my tail. Suddenly Ally and Tori are at our sides, prancing along and pushing us to go faster. I finch away from their touches and let out a growl of warning. Tori shy’s away but stays beside me but not so much that I could feel her body heat.

It wasn’t long before we were at the house and Ally and Tori were sending us an image of us tied to the house before darting back into the trees. Mikki snorts and lays down in the snow, her ears back as she makes a sound between and a growl and a whimper. I don’t move as Mikki crawls closer to me, her stomach still on the ground. She crawls close enough to nuzzle my shoulder and when I still don’t move she shimmy closer again.

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