Ch 35 Submit to the alpha

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 “Stop! It hurts! OW!” Ally hisses, trying to push Carson’s hands away. Ally’s leg was already covered in large blue, red and purple bruises. Identical spots decorated her shoulder, arm and ribs with a splattering of bruises but her ankle had been twisted badly and Carson was working to get it fixed.

“Stop” Carson snaps, already annoyed with the irritated wolf.

“But it hurts!” Ally complains, tears welling in her eyes.

“Don’t be such a baby!” Carson grunts. “Tori, do you mind?”

Tori, who had been watching Carson attentively, sprang to her feet and instantly pulls Ally’s arms back, stopping the wounded wolf from slapping at Carson’s hands.

“What happened?” Bray asks, clearly in the mood for strait answers.

Ally suddenly stills and pales visibly, all colour washing away from her face. She lowers her eyes, the tears spilling silently. Tori’s hand release Ally and she slumps next to her best friend, looking just as sad.

“Well?” Bray asks impatiently.

I cast a quick glance towards Mikki, wondering if she’s going to talk but find her staring out the window, her hands white as they grip.

“There were some hunters in the woods” I say evenly, trying not to let my voice break. I could see the human shapes dressed in white, surging throw the snow after us, dark guns threatening to take our lives. “They chased us til we fell onto the road. A car was coming, it hit….” I motion to Ally and pray they knew I was talking about Ember too, because I couldn’t voice her name, not when my throat was constricting and my hands shook still.

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Ash pacing, her movements sharp and jerky. When we’d come back he’d been ready to tear heads after seeing my thigh bleeding. Vic had had to command Ash to calm down since he looked ready to run out the door, hunt down however shot me and rip them limb from limb.

“Ember was hit to?” Bray asks, a muscle in his jaw tensing.

I nod solemnly. “She couldn’t move-” I cut myself off, trying not to remember Embers twisted leg, the blood on the side of her head. After a few long seconds I take a deep breath, knowing I needed to get it off my chest and say it. “The person who shot us got out of the car and shot her…..Shot Ember”

Ash moves towards me but I set away. I didn’t want him touching me, wrapping his arms around me. I could look after myself, I was strong. I didn’t need Ash to cuddle me. “Don’t” I whisper softly, my fingers curling into the shirt I was wearing.

“Why didn’t you stop him?” Bray growls, voice snappy.

I look up, my eyes meeting his but when I catch sight his ridged posture and bared teeth I lower my eyes out of respect. Bray looks ready to strike me, and at the time I don’t feel like pushing my luck, to I just lower my head. “He had a gun, we would have been shot”

“So you left her to die?” He growls. The air becomes thin and tingly, like lightening was going to strike, but I feel more then see Bray’s wolf surfacing, wanting to rip me apart.

I say nothing. There was nothing I could say that would stifle Bray’s anger.

“So you let her die!? Answer me!” He shouts, his hand turning into a fist by his side.

I flinch, resisting the urge to cringe back like I should. “I didn’t know what else to do…” I keep my head down, staring at Bray’s feet until I see him lunge at me. My head snaps up and I shift just before Bray slams into me, knocking me off my feet and onto the floor. Bray’s paws push me down, his claws digging into my chest and his teeth scrap the side of my face.

Yelping I try to roll away but he was an alpha male, heavy enough to pin me to the floor, strong enough to break me in two.

I snap back Bray, too late realizing that would be a challenge of dominance to him. He gives off a savage bark and bites at my face scratching away fur and skin, drawing blood to me to the surface. I jerk back with a yelp of pain and a second later feel Bray’s teeth clamp onto my neck, arousing new, intense agony. I freeze, paws hanging in the middle of the air, my chest still for a brief second as I stop struggling.

Bray was still growling, his teeth deep in my neck, his paws pressing me down. Ash was only steps away, looking torn between doing nothing and throwing Bray off me. Vis’s hand was on Ash’s shoulder, his face anxious. Carson was looking, but her fingers were moving slowly, her eyes troubled.

Ally and Tori weren’t looking at me but Mikki couldn’t seem to look away, her eyes filled with tears. Her hands were shaking and she looked too scared to move.

I stay where I am, my tail brushing against Bray’s stomach as I lay perfectly still, waiting for Bray to release me or kill me. I’d challenged his dominance by snapping back at him, and I knew if we’d be wolves, not werewolves I would defiantly be killed.

Bray’s teeth sink deeper into my neck and he lets out a vicious growl. I let out a whimper in response, unable to do anything else to show I was yielding.

Bray adjusts his feet before releasing me, but I stay on my back, my neck bared to him, even as he steps off me. He growls down at me, his teeth bore. I struggle against baring my own teeth in response. He watches me, letting me feel humiliated as everyone watches me lay on my back, venerable.

Embarrassment pokes at me, taunting me. I didn’t want to be here, defenceless and weak, exposed to everyone looking at me. It was the same feeling  that you get when doing a presentation in front of the class and you suddenly forget what you were talking about and start spewing some nonsense hoping no one notices that it’s all made up and more than likely false.

Bray shifts a back to a human and stares down at me. “Don’t you ever challenge me again” he snarls, teeth bore threateningly as I shift back. I continue laying where I am until he steps away and heads for the door. “And she was your pack mate, Irana. I expect you all to look out for each other, not crawl away hoping to save my own ass. If anything like this happens again, Irana, I will rip your throat out” He casts a cold look around the room, eyeing everyone so they knew he wasn’t just talking to me. Than he disappeared out the door. 

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