Ch 24 Dog vs Wolf

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I fade into the forest, welcoming the shadows as they consoled me. Scents washed over me, first the animals that were close, trees and dirt then something different. I pause where I stood, one paw raised as I smell the air.

“Shana!” The shout startles me into nearly dropping to the ground. Recognizing the voice I follow it, winding my way through the trees slowly, and my heart in my ears and my breathing uneven. “Shana! Came here, girl!” called another voice.

I spot my dad as I creep between the bushes. His hands cupped his mouth as he shouted out the family dog’s name. A few feet away was Max, his hand identical to my fathers as he shouted out Shana’s name. My dad whistles loudly, causing my ears to flatten at the high frequency.

I hear Shana before I saw her. Her paws made soft thuds over the ground and a second later she squeezed out from a bush and greeted my dad by barrelling him over, her yaps of a greeting making him laugh. They feel into the snow, Shana’s burying her black nose into his chest. “Go away” he snaps playfully and pushes her head away.

A sinking feeling started in my chest as I watched, envying them not for the first time. I missed Shana, how she’d always loop over to greet me with her dogish smile and happy barking. I missed my dad smiling at me, coming home and flopping onto the couch and complaining about me being lazy –playfully most times.

“Okay, come on” Dad says standing up and brushing snow from his backside. He starts towards the house, Max at his heels. But Shana didn’t move, she was looking around for something. I was confused as to why until she looked at me. She froze, her tail stuck in mid swing. “Shana” Dad calls back and turns around, looking for the border-collie which would normally be following him loyally. Something crosses his face when he spots me and he pushes Max behind him besides his son’s protests. “Shana, come” he says then mutters, “I should have brought the gun”

Shana ignores him and barks at me. It was a wary greeting, her body lowering to the ground as she crept forward. I wasn’t sure how to react but it didn’t matter, something jumped out of the bushes a few meters away and slammed into her. I jumped up, panicking.

Shana’s yelps of pain pieced my head as she and the wolf fought, rolling around in the snow. The black and white-and now red- Border-collie jumps up and run towards my dad, her tail between her legs as she cried out in fear and pain. Ash chased her a few feet, snarling aggressively until she was cowering behind my dad who was shouting and flinging his arms at Ash like that would make him leave.

I snap at Ash, hurt that he’d attacked my dog. It wasn’t exactly mine but-UGH! I snap at him, my fur on end because I was so angry. Ash sends a finally growl towards the dog which trembled in fear. He then shoves his head against my shoulder, steering me away from the dog and my family.

Once we’re out of sight of them and I could no longer hear them I transformed back. Out of fury and despair I hit at Ash who was still wolf. I didn’t care that pain stuck my hand, I didn’t care as icy cut into my legs and butt. “What the fuck was that for Ash! Why!?” I say thumping his shoulder. Again I saw the blood on Shana’s coat, heard her yelps and felt her fear. Why’d he attacked her? She wasn’t going to hurt me!

Ash changes back and legs me hit him once more before he catches my wrist. I fling my other hand at him, anger flaring inside me. He caught that wrist too and despite how much I struggle and try to pull away I couldn’t. Within seconds I give up, my anger melting into despair. “Why?” I ask in bitter sadness.

“Irana, I only did it so she wouldn’t get hurt-“

“You attacked her! She got hurt!” I shout uncontrollably. He was making no sense and my anger came back with the confusion. It’s like saying you hate broccoli and never eat but then you go and eat it a minute later!

Ash waits for my anger to subside again before continuing. “If she fears the wolves Irana, she’s less likely to get hurt. Think about it. What if in a week she wonders into the forest, close to the house and your dad comes out looking and Bray finds him. Bray wouldn’t hurt your dad, but knowing he’s looking for the dog. Bray might kill her so that your dad doesn’t come looking around anymore…”

Imagining that, I cringed thinking of Bray as a wolf killing Shana. Would Bray really kill her so my dad wouldn’t come anywhere near the house? I try to pull my wrists free of Ash’s hands but he refuses to let go. “Ash…” I say meekly, my heart heavy.

“Do you understand why I did it?” he asks softly, leaning in so he could see into my eyes as I looked at the snow between us.

I offer a pathetic nod. If she feared the wolves she would go as far from the house, meaning dad would come anywhere near Bray’s.

Attentively Ash releases me. I wrap my arms around me, instantly feeling the cold pressing into my skin. Ash didn’t move away from where my knees sat in front of me. He watched me, his eyes dark and serious.

“Can we go home?” I ask weakly, too upset to do anything but sleep.

Ash glances towards where Brays house is and nods. “Come on than,” he sighs and shifts back. A second later I shift into a wolf too and tread with him toward the house. Again I had the feeling of shortness as Ash’s shoulder grazed my shoulder blade and the top of my head didn’t quiet touch his jaw. 

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