Ch 51

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Anger and frustration bubbled inside me, threatening to consume me. I glower at the door to stop from whimpering in pain. I had expected to wake up disorientated; last night’s memory’s fuzzy, as if it had happened weeks ago, instead of hours. I expected to feel as if someone else had been attacked and I had been watching.

But no, everything was crystal clear. Maybe even more clear than last night.

Ash had tried to kill me, not wrestle with me like we usually did; he’d been completely intentionally trying to kill me.

Now, I don’t know about other girls, but that was a big no-no in my book. I was half considering on marching downstairs and telling him he could have all him ‘I love you’s’ back and shove them up his ass, if he was still alive that is.

But at the same time I didn’t want to stir more trouble. What if he tried again? Maybe this time it wouldn’t be just Mikki and I, and possibly Sky.

I continue glowering at the door for another long minute before sliding out of bed. Instantly my muscles protest, screaming in silent complaint. I ignore my aching muscles and pad over to the bathroom mirror, not surprised by the scowl that was on my face.

What did surprise me was a thin, pink lines criss-crossing my cheeks, forehead and nose. Battle scars I think with cold amusement. With a little effort I smooth out the wrinkles on my forehead and pull away the collar of my shirt.

Red, angry skin covers the left side of my neck, stretching down to my collar bone like tiny red lines crawling over my skin. It was both horrifying and breath taking. It almost looked like tattoo’s covering my skin, or like a face painter had gone past painting my face. I carefully touch the hot skin, my fingers a cool relief to the healing flesh. “Looks like I was attacked by a rabid dog” I joke, sneering in the mirror.

A new wave of resentment washes over my skin, quickening my breath and filling my veins with hot rage.

I spin around, almost setting the door on fire with my glare (I wish), before throwing the door open. The door slams into the wall, but with a less satisfying sound then I wished. Or maybe the sound of my own blood in my ears drowned it out. I didn’t really care.

I stalk down the hallway, feeling the sudden urge to growl. If Ash wasn’t dead, he would be. I was going to tear his hamstrings apart before slowly killing him, letting him beg for mercy at my feet. How dare he attack Mikki, then me what I tried to stop him.

He was in for it.

“You’re awake!” Tori says as I slink down the stairs. She didn’t seem to notice the fury burning my veins, or the wild, uncontrollable part of me wishing for blood. “You feeling okay?” she grins.

I slide around her, ignoring he question, half for the fear of snapping at her, and half because I was too busy thinking of ways to make Ash beg.

“Irana, how are you feeling” Carson greets as I tread into the kitchen. Couldn’t anyone see I didn’t want to talk, that I was seeking blood? Now wasn’t the time to talk about feelings.

“Where is he?” I hiss, clenching my fist to keep my hand from shaking. Deep down, I was surprised by my rage. I was never like this, sure I got made, sure I wanted to hurt someone, but not to the point where I was willing to kill them, were I would happily bloody my hands. Before Carson, Christian or Ally could ask who I was talking about I growl a low, dangerous sound that thought sounded way more wolf then human. “Where’s Ash”

Ally blinks at me before sinking deeper into her seat, attempting to hide. Christian doesn’t even flinch or more from his lazy posture, arm slung over the back of the chair and the two legs in the air. For a split second I contemplate tipping the chair back and spilling him onto the floor. But he wasn’t who I wanted to hurt.

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