Ch 31 Embaresment

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“Just do it” Ash says in voice that is a bit static-y and gruff. I glance at Ash, seeing his sly grin. “Just watch” He tells me and casts a glance toward Christian who was grumbling in the doorway. Christian was pouting and glaring at the floor like it had done something to offend him.

“This is humiliating” Christian complains and turns around. His face controls in surprise then disbelief. “You’re recording this!” Christian then accuses.

“Yeah, I got to show everyone. Now hurry up,” Ash laughs, the edge of impatient lacing his words.

 Christian glares at the camera then I see him step onto the table, his shoulder slump in defeat. “Is there anything else I can do? Please?” Christian begs glancing around at the curious faces looking at him from around the busy food court. Behind him a lady scowls at Christians back before stalking away.

“No way” The camera shakes slightly then zooms into Christian’s humiliated face.

Suddenly Christian turns his back to the camera and starts sings a sing at the top of his lungs. I didn’t know the song but giggle as Christian starts screaming the lyric's at the crowd, looking incredibly uncomfortable as he hollers the song.

“Dance!” Ash laughs and I can barely see Christian start dancing -really stupidly – because the camera was shaking and I could hear Ash laughing. A girl whistles but Christian didn’t seem to notice, he kept bellowing out words and moved into doing pelvis thrusts. Christian turns to send Ash a glare that I was surprised didn’t kill him then started to do the sprinkler, still singing a song that really shouldn't have the sprinkler in it..

“Aw, Christian! You poor thing!” I say stepping around the Camera Ash was holding out for me to watch. I could still hear the singing and some of the crowd cheering on his stupidity. Christian pouts and lets me hug his chest. “You were great though!”

“See! I told you I’m great!” Christian says poking out his tongue at Ash then wraps his arms around me, preventing me from escaping. “You don’t deserve her! She’s mine now”

Ash growls. “Oh really?” he snarls but when I glance back I see him fighting off a smile.

“Lemme go” I whine, squirming in Christians arms playfully.

“NEVER!!!” Christian shouts and I’m suddenly thrown over his shoulder. Christian runs down the hallway, laughing enthusiastically, his hand patting my leg as i kick at him half-heartedly.

“Hey!” Ash shouts and i see him toss the camera on the couch.

I smile and prop myself up on my elbows, happy that they were friends again. Something had obviously happened at the mall, besides Christian showing everyone how well he sang –which wasn’t very good since he never got the right tone.

Christian halts suddenly and I feel the heels of my feet brush against something before cold air suddenly hit me. My muscles contract against the cold and my stomach clenches but I don’t change. Christian runs out into the snow, still laughing. “Ash! I stole your bitch!”

“Hey!” I shout slapping a hand against Christian’s hard back. Ash appears in the doorway, shaking his head as he chases after us half-heartedly. “What’s wrong with you, Ash! Aren’t I worth saving!” I cry dramatically.

Ash grins and rolls his eyes causing him to nearly trip over. I laugh at him.

Christian slaps a hand against my thigh playfully. “Ash! You suck dude!”

Ash laughs but the sound is cut short as he changes and a second later a wolf is closing in. Within seconds Ash was passing us and I heard him growl then Christian slows to a standstill. “Oh, that’s how you want to play” he laughs.

I’m put down so I was sitting in the snow. Christian pats my head and a second later Christian’s a wolf, sitting in front of me with a wolfish grin plastered over his furry face. He moves around me easily and I shiver as his tail brushes my arms. I turn around on the snow, my skin pricking from the cold ice pressing into it.

Unlike how Christian and I had circled each other and feinted every now and again Ash and Christian went head on. No playful jump-out-of-the-way-so-you-look-like-an-idiot moves, or and dodges, they tackled each other directly.

They roll through the snow, kicking up dirt and growling. For a split second I fear they were really fighting but a second later they both spring up and move away from each other. Christian feints and Ash responds with his own playful growl before tackling Christian into the snow again. I watch them for a while, laughing at their playfulness. They almost acted like kids.

“You guys don’t being idiots? I’m gonna freeze!” I call to them, curling my legs under me to try and keep myself warm.

The two wolves look up at me and I grin at their positions. They were tangled together, Ash pulling on Christian ear while the grey wolf chewed his ankle. But they were both freeze and stare at me.  Simultaneously they release each other and bound towards me with wolfish grins, looking ready to bowl me over.

Something shoots out of the tree before the boys reach me and suddenly two wolves are in front of me, growling at Christian and Ash. The boys freeze, looking at the two new wolves questionably.

Something cold presses into my palm and I turn to see a ghostly white wolf nosing my hand. I smile and pat Mikki’s head.

Tori jumps into a play-fight stance, her tail tagging in the air while Ally barks and shakes her butt at them, daring them to play.

Mikki settles down beside me as the other four wolves start a small war between themselves, darting around and tackling each other before fleeing with barked laughter. They move around silently and playfully, each one as carefree as the next as they wrestle.

Something moves in the corner of my eye. I turn my head towards the new wolf settling on the other side of me, this one staying out of reach. Embers golden blond coat was stunning against the pure white snow. She glances at me then returns her gaze towards the wolves brawling in the ice, perfectly content to lay by herself in the snow.

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