Ch 26 Crimson bricks and ice webs

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I was still in Ash’s room when I woke up, he was still beside me breathing softly as he slept. The room was dark and my cheeks were sticky from tears but I pulled myself of Ash carefully and padded over to the door. I glance back to make sure he was still sleeping before heading down stairs. It was just past midnight but that didn’t stop me from wondering into the kitchen.

The table was empty from all the plates which had disappeared-most likely to the dishwasher- and the chairs were all tucked under the table. There was no evidence from my outburst.

I change my mind of the evidence thing when I walk over to the table. In the edge of the table was a pair of scratches from my claws. I run my finger over the grooves and look around for the shattered plate but don’t find one.

The chair creeks slightly as I sit down heavily. I was surprised to find everything clean and neat. I thought everyone would have left everything out for Carson to clean up in the morning, but unless she’d been in here when she got back someone else did it. The faintest smell of dinner still lingered in the room and a tap was dripping somewhere. It was peaceful.

The clock on the wall changes to 12:34am. Laying my head against the table I let out a soft breath. To my surprise the sound echo’s and I sit up. The sound comes again. Now that I was focusing the sound was slightly distorted. Standing up I realize it was the sigh of wood moving.

Opening my mouth I look into the hallway, about to tell Ash I’d be right up, when I frown. It wasn’t Ash searching for me. Another figure stood in the hallway, dark and silently as she crept towards the door.

My heart was so loud I was surprised she couldn’t hear it. Shadows stretched between us, concealing the persons face and body of details.

No one else has sneaked out a in the mid of the night before except Ember. Debating for a second I step back into the kitchen, my feet silent of the cold floor. I wait til I hear feel the cold air drifting into the kitchen and the soft sound of a door closing before glancing into the hallway again.

Through the doors glass I could see Embers back to me. The left side of her body was eliminated white from the moon and her hair looked like silver threads as they hung down her back. Creeping towards the door she shifts and a second later a see a silvery gold wolf dashing across the snow, her body low as she ran.

Hesitating I glance back in the hallway then outside again. But Ember was gone now, a simple ghost in the woods as she went to see the other pack. I chew my lip, debating what to do. On one side, Ember was going to the guy she loves (and most likely the dad to her unborn child) and on the other side she was going to another pack.

After a long pause I turn on my heels and head up the stairs. Ember was already out of sight, and even if I could track her I didn’t want to risk going onto another packs territory, I didn’t know what type of welcome I’d get.

I crawl back into the bed beside Ash. He lifts his head slightly, eyes half open before he drops his head again. I curl into his side, my head on his shoulder and felt his arm move lazily to my back. For some reason I felt guilty. I didn’t know whether it was from not following Ember when maybe I should have, or maybe it was that Ash was holding me when I didn’t feel worthy. He was giving me his support and comfort while I wasn’t even sure if I loved him.

Either way, I lay with guilt shadowing me as I breathed in Ash’s scent and basked in his warmth. I lay with Ash for what seemed like hours until I finally fell into a restless sleep.

But what felt like a second after falling into snooze vill I hear a loud bang which causes me to startle upright. Ash arm jerks around my waist but he otherwise barely moves as Bray flicks on the light. “Get up! Embers gone” then he stalked away, looking more furious then an old cranky guy being woken at 2 in the morning.

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