Ch 40 Wolf Wrestle

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“Did he attack you?” Ash asks, anger lacing his words. My hand flies to my neck where Luke’s teeth had held me only an hour ago.

He turns Christian, looking ready to shift and rip him to pierces.

“What? No” I sit up, taking Ash’s face in my hands so I could make him look at me. “No, some of Pauls pack decided to pay us a visit, it wasn’t him,” leaning my forehead against Ash’s I try to make him believe me, I didn’t need him tearing our friend up because a little wound on my neck.

Before Ash a can say anything Bray’s standing over us. “Pauls pack. They came here while we were away?”

I nod and glance back at Ash who didn’t quiet look so angry now. His hands hold me possessively, keeping me tightly to his chest. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was worried Bray was going to hurt me again or because he wanted to keep me close to Pauls pack couldn’t swipe me up and kill me. Either way I didn’t care, he was still holding me.

“They attacked you?” Bray sceptically.

“Yeah, they attacked all of us. I was just outside when it happened”

“Who was it?”

“Um…” I murmur, unsure what to say. I only knew Luke, but as far as they knew they were all the same to me.  So when Christian speaks up and tells Bray it was Luke and Kyden, no one asked any questions about my hesitation.

“Why’d they attack you?” Bray asks frowning down at me as if he was expecting me to confess I’d hidden a bomb in their fridge. Which, obviously I didn’t.

“I don’t know, they just appeared and attacked me” I frown back but don’t move out of Ash’s arms. “More importantly, why were they on our-your land” I blink, changing my words at the last second as Ash’s arms tighten around my waist.

Bray glowers but turns away from me and pins Christian with a cold stare. “Where were you?”

“Inside. We head Irana howl, knew something was wrong and went to cheek” Christian shrugs like he’d told the story a thousand times and found little interest in it.


“Me and Tori. Ally couldn’t come so she tried to call you but your phone was off” That was actually true. Bray glowers at him but turns to stalk away. “Oh, and by the way theirs a dead wolf just inside the trees” Christian calls.

“What? You killed one of them?” Bray turns around, the anger diminishing while calm confusion took hold. “Which one?”

“Kyden” Christian glances over his shoulder at the alpha before turning back to the TV and switching it on. “She wouldn’t stop attacking so I killed her. Luke tucked his tail and ran though”

Bray growls and walks out the room, muttering darkly to himself while Carson moves towards me to look at the mark which had set Ash off in the first place. “Does it hurt?” she places cool fingers over small holes, frowning and turning my head so get a better view of my neck.

“No. Ash, stop glaring at Christian, he came out and attacked Luke before he could kill me. you should be thankful” I slap his chest softly as Carson moves my head to the side again. “Carson, I’m fine. I promise, can you let go now”

Carson releases me instantly. “Sorry”

“Don’t worry about it. So, what was the verdict?” I squirm around in Ash’s arms, til I was sitting sideways in his lap.

“Just some medication” Carson casts a glance towards Vic who was walking into the room. “Too much work they say, I think he needs to stop getting into fights” Vic had went to get a cheek up, his muscles weren’t feeling so young. He didn’t look old or anything but Carson had insisted and dragged practically everyone else along to get one two. Mikki had been ecstatic until Sky had handed her a wig and told her she wasn’t even getting out of the car.

I swear Sky is the only one who can make someone go from jumping over the moon to sulking in 0.5 seconds.

“Oh” I glance at Vic who just rolls his eyes and heads for the study. I never get why he spends all day in there.

“Irana” Ash asks against my ear. Carefully I turn to look at him. The anger had finally ebbed and he was watching me with a small smirk. “What was Christian saying that was making you blush?”

I suddenly remember the conversation and push my face into Ash’s neck. “Don’t ever remind me of that again”

“What was it?” Ash turns to Christian who was having a hard time covering his laughing fit.

“Nothing,” Christian coughs and glances away. “Just teasing her about last night” Then he turns and winks at Ash who looks at him in disgust.

“You sick, little shit” Ash says pushing me off his lap so I was sitting in next to Carson as he lunges towards Christian who yelps and jumps over the back of the couch and runs for the door.

“Boys!” Carson scowls but giggles anyway as they fall out the back door and into the snow.

I leap off the couch and run after them, not sure if I should be ready to break them up or if I was going to find them laughing and rolling around. I spill out the door and pause, watching the two wolves crash through the snow, snapping and bitting at each other.

“What am I going to do with you two?” I ask softly and lean against the door as the boys engage in a wrestle, yapping and barking crazily. I still wasn’t sure if they were playing or not but no one had drawn blood so I wasn’t too worried.


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