Ch 50 Crushed

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Ice flicked up, dusting my fur in white layer. I glower at Ally and Tori, they were lying tangled in the snow, kicking clumps of ice at me whenever they pleased. My paws push into the snow, claws curling as I imagined dig them into the wolves flanks. I didn’t shouldn’t be angry, by for some reason their playfulness was getting too annoying.

Carson ears flick but otherwise she hardly moves as Sky pads up beside her, snarling at ash who was on the other side me. Being between the two males who wanted to kill each other was like being stuck between a speeding train and a truck that had its petal to the floor.

I felt like I was caught between two unstoppable forces which were willing to crush me.

I drop my head into the snow, my ears back and tail flicking in annoyance. Why couldn’t they figure it out like normal people, talk about it. Have a bloody note for or something, why did they have to fight? They were acting stupid.

Ash’s P.O.V

Sky snarls at me, baring his teeth in what was instantly a challenge. I growl back, daring him to come closer.

Irana drops her head onto the ground, paws pressing harshly into the snow under her as her ears lay back. I glower at Sky before nosing at her cheek affectionately which she just snorts to. I shuffle closer to the grey wolf. The wolf part of me wanted to show Sky and Christian that Irana was mine; they weren’t allowed to touch her. And the part of me that was human didn’t care. I agreed, truth be told. She was my mate, she was my girlfriend, and they needed to remember their place. Especially Christian.

I might not have seen them together but I could smell him on her. I don’t know what they’ve been doing, maybe playing scrabble for all I know. Nonetheless, I didn’t want them hanging out alone together, made me want to hurt something. And so far, Christian was looking like a pretty good punching bag.

I lay my head on Irana’s shoulder, glowing at the competing male only meters away. My blood burned, my muscles tense and a growl was constantly trying to fight free of my chest. It was much worse then I’d ever felt with Bray.

Under my chin Irana shifts slightly, making my head bob up and down at she moves slightly. Within a few seconds she settles down again, snarling at the two wolves who were content on annoying her.

Actually, they were starting to annoy me too. More than once they’d kicked snow in my face, or fallen over me when they darted away from Irana’s snapping jaws. They were like little kids, always being a nuisance, weather on purpose or from ignorance. Either way they tempted me to bite them, and added fuel to my irritation, which seemed to be the reason why I was so angry at Sky. There was no other reason, well, besides trying to take over the pack.

Mikki falls into the snow beside me, shoving her nose into my shoulder. I hardly glance at her, too caught up in looking at the challenging wolf. Softly she whines at me, pawing at the ground and wriggling closer. She wanted affection, one thing that came with being a wolf, but right than I had no affection to give. Even if I was feeling surprisingly affectionate I wouldn’t have given any to Mikki.

Sky looks into the forest, ears flicking for a second before he relaxes, tail swaying.

Mikki whines again, now pawing at my ribs and muzzling my neck. I ignore her persistence. She was annoying, all the girls were. Irana wasn’t so affectionate, she didn’t nose me, or they to curl up to me. And I liked that, how she wasn’t constantly seeking some fondness. If I wanted to be fond with anyone I would seek them out, not regard someone when they came up to me with a wagging tail and a hope to be smothered in any friendliness.

My ears lay back when Sky stands, ears flicking and tail high. I disregard the sound of hooves crunching through snow and bare my teeth at Sky. Snubbing me, Sky throws us all an image of the deer in the forest, only half a mile from us.

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