Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 14

Start from the beginning

A bullet narrowly missed my hip as I darted across the deck, I had to find Sasha, his scent was heavy in the air but it was distorted with all the commotion.  

A soldier rushed at me from the side, his long silver sword swinging at my neck. I ducked, spun around on the back of my pads and swiped at the soldiers legs with one giant paw. My claws cut into his soft fleshy legs, he crashed hard onto his back, his yell of pain met my ears and I licked my lips. I pinned him down, my noise centimetres from his, I gazed into his eyes for one moment then I sank my teeth into his throat. The warm salty blood gushed into my mouth just as I heard a loud gun shot followed by Lucas's shrill cry.  

I dropped the soldier and looked up to see Tom staggering back a huge gapping hole in his chest then he crumbled.  

Lucas leapt at the soldier who had killed his brother but he had only got a few metres when the soldier fired again.  

"No!" my howled was lost under a gigantic clap of thunder as a folk of bristling white lightning flashed across the black sky.  

Lucas was sprawled on the deck a pool of blood gathering around him, his eyes stared unseeing and empty straight at me.  

The entire deck was slippery with spilled blood, gore and body limbs lay discarded all around.  

As another flash of lightning lit up the deck I saw Sasha, he was bound and covered in blood, his head was hanging forward onto his chest and his eyes were closed. Two soldiers were dragging him below deck.  

I leapt after them, I stopped to stare down at Lucas on the floor but I could hear no heartbeat coming from him and the smell of death was already creeping from him stinging my noise.  

I blinked back tears and forced myself to leave him, there was nothing I could do. I didn't bother using the stairs I just leapt down them, sliding sideways on the polished wooden floor as I landed.  

I growled as my shoulder hit the wall, looking down I saw blood smeared all the way down the corridor by someone being dragged. Sasha.  

I moved my weight back on my pads so my paws made no sound on the wood.  

I kept my head low as I crept forward, the corridor was small or I was so large that the fur on my hips and shoulders brushed the walls as I past. Blood was left behind on the white walls like warning signals; my paws too left behind paw prints in blood but it wasn't mine.  

As I went to round the corner the sound of gun fire made me leapt back just in time as bullets imbedded themselves in the wall were I had been standing seconds ago. Snarling I peeked around the corner only to shrink back again.  

"Use your noise!" hissed an angry voice inside my head.  

Alistair, my heart leapt.  

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, taking in the scents of the men around the corner. Four of them, all with machine guns, fear and adrenaline swirled around them like a muggy cloud.  

"These four of them Alistair," I relayed quickly back to him, "I can't get past."  

"Leave that to me!" he growled.  

Suddenly there was a crash that shook the whole boat, I heard one of the men swear and the sound of him falling to the ground. I chanced a look, praying that they were distracted. They were.  

One of men was getting up while the others were staring up at the ceiling.  

Another crash and the ceiling above the soldiers heads cracked, bits of wood and plaster rained down upon them.  

A giant muzzle appeared through the hole in the ceiling, the werewolf ripped a huge chunk out of the ceiling making the hole bigger. When the hole was large enough the werewolf jabbed in his head and caught one of the soldiers by his head, yanking him out.  

The others yelled and swore leaping back, turning their guns on the hole.  

"Now!" roared Alistair.  

I ran down the corridor, knocking into the soldiers from behind. I sank my teeth into one's side lifting him clean off the ground then slammed him so hard into the wall that he went all the way through it.  

Alistair's head appeared through the hole again and snatched up another soldier by the arm. Blood ran down like a small waterfall.  

The last soldier was lying on his back, his gun held pointing at my, shaking in his hands.  

I turned and tore the gun from his hands, hearing the snap of his wrest as I did. The soldier went to kick me but I ducked and sank my teeth into his leg, he screamed for a moment then blacked out.  

I drew back and looked up to see Alistair standing over the hole looking down at me. He gave me a wolfish smile then disappeared and I carried down the corridor to find Sasha.  

Blood pounded in my ears, my white fur was stained red, my shoulder ached were I had hit the wall and I noticed for the first time a deep gash across my chest.  

Reaching the end of the corridor I looked up at the double steel doors in front of me. Through the small round windows I saw it was the kitchen, polished metal worktops, pots and pans, spoons and knives hung from the cabinets. At the far end stood two huge fridges, in front of them Sasha was forced on his knees, bent over, his head almost touching the ground.  

Even from here I could see and smell the blood dripping from his many wounds onto the floor.  

Two more armed men stood ever side of Sasha but it was the thick scent of Marcus that I was focusing on, so much that I didn't notice the huge dark red werewolf coming up behind me until it was too late.

End of Part 14



I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? (+ Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now