I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 10

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I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys?

"Stop fidgeting!" snapped Emily, Kelly's mother. It was clear that she was Kelly's mother they looked so alike, the same pale clear skin, full lips, same bright green eyes and curly golden brown hair, though Emily wore it shorter then her daughter.

Kelly's father, Mike, stopped fidgeting at the sound of his wife's scornful voice.

"Sorry dear," he said the added, unable to keep it in any longer, "its just I can't believe our little girl is living in a house with six boys!"

"She not little anymore Mike, she nearly a grown women who can look after herself," sighed Emily, sympathy crept into her eyes, "I know its going to be hard daring, but she's our daughter Mike, don't you trust?"

"I do trust her, just not her hormones I'm worried about."

"You a fine one to talk," laughed Emily, "what was your nickname while we were in high school? Something like the Scanner, wasn't it? You used to scan girls like a flock of sheep back then!"

Before Mike could answer the front door opened and Mike's worst fears were revealed.

An utterly gorgeous young man stood before them, his dark fair falling down his forehead, unusual stormy grey eyes met theirs and they seemed to promise mystery.

But it wasn't just the guy's good-looks that infuriated Mike; it was that young man's shirt was completely undone, showing off a lean ideal muscled body.

"You must be Kelly's parents," the boy said, holding out his hand smiling warmly, "I'm Damon; we spoke on the phone the other day."

"Yes I remember," Mike said defensively, taking his outstretched hand.

"And you must be Emily," Damon said softly to her, "I thought you were Kelly there for a moment."

Damon took her hand and kissed it swiftly.

"Please come in, your just in time for breakfast."

They stepped over the threshold.

"Thank you, but we have already..." Emily trailed off, her mouth open wide with amazement at the huge marble hall they stood in.

Damon couldn't help but grin at the two humans astonished faces. Everything going to plan, he thought before leading them silently towards the living room.

"I'm sorry about my appearance," Damon said over his shoulder, "we never get properly dressed until your daughter makes us at the week end."

"O that's quite alright," gasped Emily, she couldn't help it; she was totally entranced by the whole affair.

Mike didn't fail to notice his wife's eyes on the young mans chest. He shivered slightly, there was something about this Damon and the entire feel of this place that made him feel nervous, vulnerable, like he was half expecting something to leap out and grab him. It was the feeling of supernatural animal intention. Something not normal...

End of Part 10

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I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? (+ Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now