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Sans put Asriel's laptop back after we covered our tracks.

Frisk and I walk home with questions flooding our heads.

"We need to find an answer to these questions soon or else I'm going to explode." I say.

"I don't think we're ever going to get answers. Asriel knows a lot about us. Since he knew we were going to take his laptop, he probably knows what we would do next." Frisk says.

"Ugh! Why does he have to be so smart!"

"I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell you of all people. You two are a couple, wouldn't he trust you to keep a secret like this?"

"Not really. It's gotta be something really big to not tell me, otherwise he would have told me."

We come to our front door and Frisk unlocks it.

When we get inside I stop Frisk from walking and put a finger in front of my mouth telling her to be quiet.

I hear Asriel talking again.

I tiptoe to his door and listen in.

"A couple weeks will give us enough time to get ready." An unfamiliar voice says.

"Alright, is set in stone then." Asriel says.

"Yes. Now I must go. We can work out details in a couple days." The voice says.

Then the call ends.

I walk back to where Frisk stayed.

"Was he talking to someone again?" Frisk asks.

I nod. "I don't know what about or who it was. We can't trust Asriel."

"What? He's everyone's king!"

"We have to let Undyne know. She can't take orders from him anymore." I say and walk it the door.

"Wait Chara, I'm coming with you."

We finally get to Undyne's house and knock on the door.

"What are you punks doing here?" She asks opening the door.

"We need to tell you something and you have to trust us." I say.

"Alright. Come in."

We all sit at the kitchen table and I tell her everything that's been going on with Asriel.

"We can't trust him fully." I say.

"I have noticed that he's been kinda weird. I'll keep an eye on him." Undyne says.

"Thanks Undyne. We should go." Frisk says.

"If anything else goes on with him let me know." Undyne says.

"We will." I say and leave with Frisk."

As we were walking home Frisk opens her mouth to say something. "I'm kinda scared."

"I am too. We can't let it show because Asriel will find out."

We get home and relax for the rest of the day.


It's been almost a month and I still don't know who Asriel is talking to or what he's planning.

I've had it up to here so I've decided to talk to him today. I need answers.

I barge into his room but he's not there. I look through the entire house but he's nowhere to be found.

Frisk starts walking out the door but I catch her before she leaves. "Where's Asriel?" I ask.

"I think he was going to the barrier. I don't know why I just overheard him talking." She answers.

"Hmm. Thanks Frisk." We walk out the door.

She stops in Snowdin and I keep walking all the way to the barrier.

After a billion years of walking I finally get to the long corridor.

I come up next to Asriel who is starring at the barrier.

"Hey, what's up with you? You've been super weird lately." I say.

"We need to get rid of them." He says.

"What do you mean? Get rid of who?"

"We can get to the surface. We just need them to be gone."

"Who? The humans? I know that's who's keeping us from-"

"Not the humans."

"What are you saying?"

The barrier starts cracking. Shadows starting appearing on the other side.

I start backing up.

"Chara, the monsteras are what's keeping us from getting to the surface."

"No. No no no. What have you done!" I yell and starting running away from the barrier.

So this is what he's been planning. He got the humans to come and kill us.

I don't get it. Why does he think the monsters are the bad guys?

Then it hit me. Whatever the humans stabbed him with messed with his brain.

The humans brainwashed Asriel.

The humans messed with Asriel and now they're out for blood. What's going on to happen? Thanks for reading!

Asriel X Chara (An Undertale FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon