Can't Sleep

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We get home and Frisk helps me a ton.

She helps wraps bandages around my hands and head. Also she puts a brace on my ankle and helps me walk.

I sit on the couch with Frisk by my side.

"I'm sorry I'm so clumsy." I say.

"It's ok. You're ok now."

I end up falling asleep on the couch.

I hear the door open and someone comes in.

They walk over to me. "What happened?" I hear Asriel ask.

"She um, fell, I guess. She's ok. I've been taking care of her." Frisk says.

"Fell? It looks like she was hit by a bus."

"She fell off of the edge in Snowdin. I didn't want her to reset so I saved her. Are you mad?"

"No, I'm not mad I just don't like seeing her this hurt."

"Neither do I, but she's ok and that's all that matters."

I wake up and after some time spent watching TV we all go to bed.

I can't see anything. Everything is a deep black. Then a circle of lights start turning on revealing all of my friends. Undyne, Mettaton, Frisk, Asriel, everyone. I'm standing in the center of all of them. One by one they all die right in front of me. "Why? Why them?" I sob. I'm stuck in this void of nothing with nothing, nobody. I can't reset. All I can do is...

Wake up. I sit up, taking some deep breaths.

Asriel wakes up and turns on the light next to him. "Was that another nightmare?" He asks sitting up next to me.

I look at him and nod.

He looks terrified and concerned at the same time. "Your head is bleeding Chara."

"Huh?" I touch my forehead and look at my hand, covered in blood.

"Go wash that off, I'll go get Frisk." He says and runs out of the room.

I get up and limp to the bathroom.

I slowly take off the bandage.

Frisk and Asriel come in. Frisk helps me clean myself up and puts new bandages on me.

"I think I'm just gonna relax on the couch. I can't really sleep." I say.

"We'll sit with you." Frisk says.

"Unless you wanna be alone." Asriel adds.

"Sure." I say and walk into the living room.

After an hour of sitting Frisk and Asriel fall asleep on both sides of me.

I don't want to go to sleep in fear of having another nightmare but I'm so tired.

My eyes start getting heavy and I fall asleep.

The same nightmare.

I jump up and Frisk and Asriel wake up.

"What's wrong?" Frisk asks.

I don't answer.

"She's been having nightmares." Asriel says.

"What was it about?" Frisk asks.

They both look at me waiting for my answer.

"Um, well, I was in a void looking place. Then everyone appears almost out of thin air. You guys, Alphys, Sans, everyone. Then um, then..." Tears start rolling down my face.

Frisk puts a hand on my back. "You don't have to go on if you don't want to. I'm sorry for asking."

"I know I'm lucky to be able to reset, but it doesn't feel lucky when you watch people you love die."

"But you're lucky to get them back." Asriel says.

"I sort of know how you feel." Frisk says. "I haven't reset myself but I know when you reset. I've seen some horrible things. You just have to be happy that you can fix those things."

"But I can't fix the awful thoughts of death in my head."

"But they aren't real. What's happening right now is real." Asriel says. "Chara, I hate seeing you like this. It hurts me as much as it hurts you. I know it's hard living like this but you have to stay strong."

Do you think Chara is going to be ok? Let me know. Thanks for reading!

Asriel X Chara (An Undertale FF)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora