We Made It

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Over the past week everyone has been packing and moving their things to the surface.

The village that used to be there, (before Ethan burned it down) is now a city near the ocean. It's really nice.

Asriel and I have moved everything into a pretty big house on the surface.

I walk into my room and start looking around.

All of the walls are stripped of all my posters and my closet is completely empty. It's like no one was ever there.

All that's in my room is a backpack full of Asriel and my electronics. Laptops, headphones, speakers, everything.

A slight knock sounds on my door.

I turn around to look who it is.

It's Frisk.

"Hey, I was just going to see if Papyrus needed anymore help moving." She says.


"After that I think I'm going to head to the surface with Ethan and Sans."

"That's fine. Just don't leave without saying goodbye, I'll meet you there."

"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to you. I'll see you then." She says and walks out.

I walk out of my room and go to Asriel's.

"You ready to leave?" He asks.

"I'm gonna meet you there. I wanna say goodbye to this place."

"Ok. I'll meet you there then." He then leaves the house.

I spend a couple minutes walking through the house and some more time debating weather or not I should actually leave.

After some time I pick up the backpack and walk out of the house.

I connect my headphones to my phone and put on some music.

Walking through the underground is giving me a lot of flashbacks.

When Frisk fell, moving into the Ruins, having snowball fights, Asriel and my first kiss.

By the time my playlist ends I'm at where the barrier used to be.

I put my headphones around my neck and walk towards Asriel, Frisk and Sans.

"Hey, where's Ethan?" I ask.

"He said to tell you that he said bye. He didn't want to actually say bye in person because he said you'd just make it harder then it had to be." Frisk explains.

"Well tell him I said bye."

Frisk nods.

Frisk and Ethan aren't going to be living in the city with everyone else. They said they need some time to themselves since its been years since they've seen each other. I'm going to miss her, she was my best friend (besides Asriel and Sans) but I'm happy that she's happy.

"I think I'm gonna head out. Paps probably wants me to start unpacking." Sans says.

"We'll see you around Sans." Asriel says.

Sans takes one step away when Frisk grabs his wrist. "Wait, Sans."

I can see he's upset that's she's leaving. It's kinda cute.

He looks up at her.

"I'm going to miss you, and I'm sorry that I'm leaving." She says.

"Then why are you leaving?" He asks.

"It's not that I want to, it's more that I need to. If you haven't seen Papyrus in years and you finally get to see him again, wouldn't you want to spend as much time with him as possible?"

"Of course. He's my brother. But that doesn't mean you have to leave your friends."

Frisk hesitates.

"I always thought we could be something more," Frisk moves closer to Sans. "But now that you're leaving-" Frisk puts her hands on Sans' shoulders and kisses him.

His face turns blue but quickly fades as he puts his hands on Frisk's hips and kisses back.

They pull apart. "I think we can work out a long distance relationship." Frisk says.

Sans smiles then teleports away.

"Goddanm it! The one time I don't have my phone out!" I yell.

Asriel then hands me his phone. On it is a full video of their goodbye.

"You know me so well." I say and hand his phone back.

Frisk walks closer to us.

"I guess this is goodbye." Asriel says.

Frisk nods.

"You better have your phone on you at all times because I'm going to be texting you a lot." I say.

She smiles. "I will."

She opens her arms to us. "Bring it in!"

Asriel and I hug her.

"We're gonna miss you Frisk. You better come back soon because I know crybaby over here is gonna miss you the most." Asriel says and puts a hand on my back.

"Look who's talking. You were the biggest crybaby when we were kids. I was surprised you didn't ever get dehydrated from crying so much." I say.

He punches me lightly.

Frisk smiles. "I'm going to miss you guys too. Ethan and I were planning on coming back here next year."

"Can't you stay for one more day? We can give you and Ethan a whole party before you leave." I suggest.

"I'm sorry but Ethan has everything packed for the road. I wish we could stay but it's to late now."

"It's never to late-"

"Chara, just let the woman go." Asriel says.


"Ah ah, no buts."

"Ugh fiiine."

Frisk smiles. "I should get going."

"One more hug." I say.

"Take care of Sans for me. I know he's going to miss me a lot."

"I will."

We let go.

"Bye guys!" Frisk says and starts walking down the mountain.

"Bye Frisk!" I call to her.

She gets out of sight and Asriel turns to me and smiles.

I smile back at him. "We made it."

Alright, I'm going to be ending it (for good this time) here. It was a blast writing this and you know I'm going to be writing another one. Maybe one day I'll do a continuation but that might not happen for a while, or at all. Thank you so much for reading, it really does mean a lot!

Oh and one more thing. School is starting tomorrow for me. I know most of you don't give a shit but just hear me out. I'm 99.9% sure that school is going to affect my writing a lot. Meaning, the time I post will be a lot different. I've been posting at around 12:00 for me. (I live in New Jersey). But school will make me post at around 6:00 P.M. Or not at all. That might not bother you but it'll bother me since I'm probably going to end up forgetting to post because of homework. Also I have a bad feeling that school is going to make my writing worse, (Not saying that it was bad in the first place). Because I would be rushing to get a chapter out. So when I start a new story, I'm sorry in advance that I didn't get a chapter out. Thank you for understanding and reading!

If you read this far, thank you. And what Undertale fanfic would you want to see next? Put your suggestions in the comments. Again, thanks for reading!

Asriel X Chara (An Undertale FF)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum