A Bad Time

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I run into the Core without stopping.

I see someone in the distance but I can't make out who it is.

As I get closer and realize it's Mettaton.

I grab his wrist and keep running.

"What are you doing darling?" He asks.

"Running." I answer.

"Where are we running to?"

"The lab."

"Why are we running when we could be flying?" He then picks me up and his feet lift off the ground. He steady's himself and he starts flying to the lab.

Once we get to the lab we run inside. I hit a red button on the wall near the door. It locks the door super tight and puts traps around the entire lab.

"We're safe. Hopefully." I say.

Alphys comes running downstairs. "W-what's going o-on?"

"Asriel has gone insane and the humans are thirsty for blood."

"What?!" Alphys and Mettaton say in unison.

"You heard me." I start walking to the big screen that shows the entire underground.

The humans are in Hotland and almost to the lab.

"You have to warn everyone." I say to Alphys.

"A-already on it." She says while typing on a computer.

"Come on Mettaton. We have to pick some off." I take him to a ladder that leads to the roof.

Thank gosh I wore my belt today.

We come to the edge and I pull out my gun ready to shoot the humans below. Mettaton does the same.

We kill only a couple when one of them turns around and looks at me.

They throw a huge ball of magic up towards us.

I jump out of the way.

I wave the smoke out of my face. My ears are ringing.

I turn towards Mettaton. He has a giant hole in his chest.

I crawl over to him. Anybody could realize that he's gone and he's not coming back.

In anger I climb back into the lab.

"Th-thank goodness you're ok! I h-heard an explosion. I th-thought you were dead!" Alphys says. "W-where's Mettaton?"

I look at the floor.

She has a look of disbelief on her face.

I walk back to the big screen with Alphys close behind.

She watches as the humans make their way into Waterfall.

I start pacing the room trying to think of a plan.

After a couple laps around the room a portal opens and Frisk falls out of it.

I kneel down to her. "Frisk! You're ok!" I say and hug her." She's wearing Sans' jacket. "How did you get here?"

"When we saw the humans coming toward us, Sans opened and portal and pushed me through it. He's...very outnumbered." She says and tears start forming in her eyes.

We then stand next to Alphys watching the screen.

We watch as Sans gets struck down into dust.

Frisk is wide eyed with so many emotions.

"We need to do something about this." I say trying to sound strong.

"We c-can't do anything. U-Undyne is gone. She was th-the strongest here. If she c-couldn't do it, w-we definitely can't."

I continue pacing the room again.

Another thousand laps or so around the room and still no ideas.

"The humans are leaving. They're passed Hotland. We can't let them get away." Frisk says.

When I turn to her and see Sans' jacket it's almost like a lightbulb appeared above my head because I instantly got an idea.

I have an idea but I can't explain now. I have to go." I say walking towards the door.

"Wait! I should come with you. You're going to need backup." Frisk says.

"I need to do this on my own."

"I-if we can't come w-with you then take this." Alphys hands me what looks like an ears piece. "We'll be a-able to hear what you hear and you c-can hear us."

I put it in my ear. "Thanks. Stay safe." I say and hug them both.

"I think you're the one who should stay safe." Frisk says.

I smile and walk out the doors.

I follow the humans as close as I can without them noticing.

They get to where the barrier used to be.

Asriel stops the army and turns around. "Where's Chara?" He asks.

I step out from my hiding spot with my hands in the air. "Right here." I answer.

The humans point their weapons at me.

I drop my belt telling them I won't hurt them.

They lower their weapons.

"So you wanted to take up my offer and come to the surface I see." Asriel says.

I nod.

"Well then, let's go."

Everyone starts walking out of the underground.

"What are you doing Chara!?" Frisk asks through my ear piece.

"Wait!" I say.

Everyone turns back around.

"I just have one question."

"Ask away." Asriel says.

I take a deep breath and channel every ounce of Determination within me.

"Do you wanna have a bad time?"

I snap my fingers and five Gaster Blasters appear behind me.

When Gaster and Sans were teaching Papyrus how to use them I picked up a thing or two. I've never tried to use them but I'm just happy I got them to show up.

The humans put up their weapons but Asriel stops them from shooting.

I know Alphys and Frisk are watching me closely.

"Chara, don't do this. I'm getting you to the surface. You can be happy." Asriel says taking some steps toward me.

"You know what Asriel, you're right." I say.

"What?!" Alphys and Frisk yell in my ear.

"I knew you would come with me." Asriel says getting really close to me.

I hug him.

"Chara! Do something! You can't go with them!" Frisk yells.

I then point at the human army and the Gaster Blasters do the work.

Asriel quickly let's go and turns to what used to be his army.

I snap my fingers again and the Blasters disappear.

I walk over to my belt and pull out my knife.

"I see how it is. If you're going to kill me, get it over with." Asriel says.

"I'm not going to kill you. I have a different plan."

I know I could've kept going but I felt it would be a little to long. You will find out her plan in the next chapter. Thanks for reading!

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