Finding Out

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Frisk and Asriel still have no clue that my dream is bothering me. It's only a matter of time before they find out about what I've been doing.

I always wear my sweater to hide my arms. They haven't asked questions about it so that's good.

Leaving the house isn't even a thought anymore. All I've been doing is blasting music when no ones home, trying to get my mind off of everything.

Everyday is the same. Hide in my room.

Today Frisk went out with Sans again, (I think they like each other) and Asriel was talking to Asgore about being King once again.

Me, I was getting bad anxiety so I went to the kitchen, took a knife from the drawer and stood in front of the sink.

I held the knife up to the bare arm.

"What are you doing?" I hear Asriel say.

I drop the knife in the sink and turn to look at him. "Oh you're home! I didn't see you come in." I say nervously.

He walks over to the sink and picks up the knife I had dropped. "What were you doing with this?" He asks looking at me.

"I uh...nothing."

He grabs my arm and his eyes go wide. "Chara, I think you have some explaining to do."

There's no getting away from this so I tell him everything. My visions, my anxiety, my problems.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've helped you! Frisk could've helped you!" He says. I can hear the disappointment in his voice.

"I didn't want you to think I was crazy. Nothing I'm saying sounds true but I can feel it, it has to be real."

"I believe you Chara, but why have you been hurting yourself because of it?"

"You believe me?" I never thought he would.

"Of course I do. You could've came to me for help. I don't like seeing you hurt."

I smile and hug him. "Thank you." I say with tears in my eyes.

"Hey, my parents really miss you. They haven't seen you since we were kids. What do you say we go see them? Will that help?"

I would've made up an excuse but there's no other way to get over your fears than to face them.

We walk all the way to the castle without anything happening. I'm proud of myself for even making it out the door without running back inside.

Me and Asriel spend the whole day with Toriel and Asgore. It really helped to talk to some people. I already feel a ton better.

As Asriel and I walk into our house after a long day I see Frisk cuddled up next to Sans on the couch. They're both sleeping.

"Aaawwwwwwww, ccuuutte." I say keeping my voice down.

Asriel heads to his room and I follow. We lay on his bed and talk for a little longer.

"Are you feeling better?" Asriel asks putting his arm around me.

I move closer and rest my head on him. "A lot. Thanks Asriel." I say with a smile.

He says you're welcome with a kiss.

"Did you see Frisk and Sans? I ship it." I say.

He chuckles and continues kissing me.

I finally fall asleep and so does Asriel.

Yay! Chara is better! I do have some other plans for chapters. Thanks for reading!

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