Is That Really You?

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Asriel is still sleeping when I wake up so I leave him to sleep since he's always busy.

Frisk is on the couch doing something with her phone.

I sit next to her and look at her phone. She's writing something.

"What ya writing?" I ask.

"It's just some stuff that I have on my mind. It's like a diary but on my phone."

"What are you writing now?"

"I'm trying to remember what my family looks like. I can't get it off my mind."

"When we get to the surface I want to find them for you."

"You really don't have to. There's no use in looking for someone I don't even know is real. I might have just made them up."

"Maybe, but they sound real so I want to at least try and look for them."

"Thanks Chara." Frisk says with a smile.

I smile back.

Once Asriel comes out of his room he's dressed and everything.

"I was thinking about hitting Grillby's in a few." He says.

"Yes! I'm starving!" I say and stand up. "You comin Frisk?"

"I think I'm just going to be alone for a while." She says.

"Ok. We'll be home later."

Asriel and I eat, talk, then go home.

Frisk is in her room so I leave her be and Asriel had to do something on his computer so I sit upside down on the couch and start reading a book that Frisk told me to read.

It's pretty long and so good I can't stop reading.

It must've been hours because I've read more then half of my book and Asriel actually left his room.

He stops once he sees me upside down.

I put down my book and look at him.

"Is there a reason that you're upside down?" He asks.


"Ok then."

He sits next to me and places his phone on the table.

Out of the corner of my eye I see he's walking his fingers over to me.

"I see what you're doing. Don't you dare-"

He then starts tickling my stomach.

"Stop, stop! I can't breathe! Azzy!"

His phone starts ringing and he stops tickling me. (Thank you caller).

I sit upright to catch my breath.

Asriel's face turns serious very fast. He stands up and starts walking towards the door.

I follow him.

He hangs up and starts running through the Ruins.

"Who was that?" I ask chasing him.

"Undyne. Apparently there's human at the barrier."

We get to Snowdin and stop at the skele-bro's house.

Sans answers the door.

"We need a shortcut to the barrier." Asriel says.

Without questions Sans opens a portal and Asriel and I run through it.

At the barrier is Undyne standing over a human.

His head is down and his hands are up. He's on his knees. "I'm not here to hurt anyone." The human says.

"Save it for the king." Undyne says putting her spear closer to his head.

Asriel and I run up to Undyne. "Hey, what's going on?" Asriel asks.

"This punk says he's freeing us, but I think he has people to kill us once we get on the surface." Undyne says.

I walk closer to the human.

Undyne puts a hand on my shoulder. "Be careful, we don't know if he's armed."

The humans lifts his head slightly to look at me.

"Wait, Ethan?" I ask.

He looks up at me. "Yeah." He starts to stand up but Undyne stops him.

"Get back down punk." She says.

"It's ok Undyne. He's trustworthy." I say.

She looks over at Asriel to see what he has to say.

"We don't know if he's been taking that, drug. We can't really trust him."

"If I was here to hurt you guys, she'd be dead already." Ethan says and looks toward Undyne.

"Shut up." Undyne says.

"Send some guards to check the surface. I'll take care of him." Asriel says to Undyne.

She nods and walks away.

Ethan stands up. "I told you I'd set you guys free and that's what I did."

"Can we trust you though?" Asriel asks.

"I don't have anyone out there." Ethan says and points towards the surface. "What's left of the army is cool now."

Asriel and I look at each other. He gives me a look that says I-Don't-Know-About-This-One.

I-Don't-Think-He-Would-Try-And-Hurt-Us-After-He-Helped-Us. I say with my eyes.

"The barrier will stay broken. Move all your stuff out whenever." Ethan says and starts walking away.

"Wait!" I call to him. "We should introduce you to everyone. They'll probably want to know the person who set them free."

He turns back around. "Ok. As long as no ones try's to kill me."

"They won't. Come on." I say.

We start walking through the castle.

"This is where this first king and queen used to live." I say once we come to the house in the castle.

"What happened to them?" Ethan asks.

I look at Asriel to get his approval that I can tell Ethan.

"They're gone." Asriel says.

"I'm sorry."

"Let's just keep going. I don't like being here." Asriel says walking out of the house.

We get to the end of the Core.

"You're king of this place aren't you?" Ethan asks Asriel.

"I don't like being called king but yes, I am." Asriel answers.

Ethan smirks at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You never told me you were a queen." He says.

I roll my eyes.

We talk to everyone along the way.

We finally get to our house.

"Ignore the mess that is our house." I say.

"You're the one who makes it this messy." Asriel says.

"I'm sorry I don't like putting things away."

"Are you the only human down here?" Ethan asks.

"No. I think Frisk is in her room." I say and knock on her door.

"It's open." She yells from the other side.

I open the door and we walk inside.

Ethan's eyes light up once he sees Frisk. He runs his hand through his hair in disbelief. "Frisk? Is that really you?"

Aawwwwwww sshhiiitt. Ethan knows Frisk. (I'm such a weirdo. XD) Thanks for reading!

Asriel X Chara (An Undertale FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora