More Buttercups

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I put the flower up to my lips and took
a deep breath. I open my mouth.

"Wait Chara!" Asriel says grabbing the flower from my hands.

"What are you doing Asriel?"

"I don't know about this. You'd be really sick. I don't want to see you like that." He says with tears in his eyes.

"Asriel, there's no other way. We can cross the barrier, we can break the barrier! We have to do this."

Asriel's starts to cry. He hands me the Buttercup.

I take it and put it in my mouth.

I quickly swallow it. "Ugh. I can't eat them like this."

"Th-there might be s-some pie l-left" Asriel sniffles. "I'll g-go get i-it." He says getting up.

My stomach feels like it's on fire. I have to fight it. I have to do it for monster kind.

Asriel comes back with the pie. "If I absorb your soul, we will become an all powerful being." He says handing me a slice.

"I know. But we have to." I say taking a bite.

I finish as fast as possible. I feel like crap.

"Cha-Chara. I think you should go get some rest." Asriel says bringing me inside.

"But mom and dad will see me."

"You look terrible Chara! You have to!" He doesn't listen and we keep walking.


Asgore is better now but I'm worse. Everyday I get closer and closer to death. I have to tell myself that this is the right thing to do. Me and Asriel can free all monsters.

Me and Asriel were walking home when I couldn't take it anymore. I collapsed on the ground.

"Chara?!" He says kneeling down.

I don't say anything. I can't say anything. I'm in so much pain.

"M-mom?!" Asriel yells getting up and running to Toriel.

I try to reach for him to stop but he was to fast. I didn't want our parents to find out, but I was in so much pain I didn't care.

Toriel and Asriel run out and find me, still on the ground.

"Chara! What happened?" Toriel asks putting me in her arms.

Asriel doesn't answer for me, he just starts crying.

"Chara?" Toriel asks. She quickly brings me inside.

I was asleep for a couple hours. I hear Toriel and Asriel just outside my door.

"What happened to Chara?" Toriel asks Asriel.

I don't want him to tell her but I know he will.

"We wanted to break the barrier. I was going to absorb her soul so we could cross. Then we could get 7 more souls." Asriel confessed.

"Asriel! Do you know how much pain you put Chara through? Also, how do you know what the humans think of you? They might kill you if you go out there!" Toriel yells.

Asriel starts crying. "I-I."

They come in my room.

"Oh Chara." Toriel says gently rubbing my head.

"Ca-can you he-heal her mom?" Asriel asks.

What? Asriel! I thought we had a plan! You put me through all this for nothing?! I scream at him in my head.

"I can try." Toriel says.

Magic starts circling around he. I feel it helping, but only a little. Toriel tries harder. I feel a lot better.

After a couple seconds I feel as good as new.

I pop up from bed and hug Asriel. "I'm sorry! This was a horrible idea! The humans would've killed us. I'm sorry." I sob.

"Chara you're ok! I'm sorry. I should've never let you do this." He cries.

"Thank heavens you're ok!" Toriel says hugging both of us.

Asgore comes in the room. "Chara!" He hugs all of us.

I don't ever want to let go.

Hi. I don't have much to say so I'm just going to say, THANKS FOR READING!

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