Unbelievable 16

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"CONGRATULATIONS." The doctor smiled brightly and almost hug me. "Your blood really matched. We've started treatment immediately. So you were the one we needed this while and we didn't know. Well thank God the child is going to be fine after all." Tears of joy filled my eyes and I opened my mouth to talk but no words came. I pulled Dr. Isaac into a tight hug.

"Thank you." I whispered as tears of joy flooded down my face. "Thank you." I repeated, pulling myself away from him.

"Hey, cheer up man." Dr. Isaac patted me on my shoulder. "All is well. What happened today was truly a miracle. I still can't believe that the mother and child are going to be fine."

"God is great." I whispered heavily.

"Yes. God is truly great. You know I've been working in this hospital for the past five years and I've treated thousands of people with this situation, even situation that are not to this extent and patient hardly survive it. But as much as I continue to assure myself, I lose hope when it gets to a stage. Now I know that God answers prayer." Dr. Isaac said, looking at me seriously. "With your prayers and including the love you all have for her, God has brought her back to you, especially you, Mr. Andrew because I now realize how much you love her."

"Thank you, Doctor. Thank you." My voice was raw with emotion.

"It's okay Mr. Andrew. Everything's fine now. Your wife and daughter are going to be fine. You can go check on them later. A nurse will be sent to you, and about the father of a thing, I realized that there was a confusion, but I hope you guys will sort it out." Dr. Isaac moved a bit closer to me and whispered for me to hear. "I'm truly happy that you are the father." My smile broadened as new hope started to rise from within my body. "You truly deserve this happiness." He took a step away and extended his hand. Placing my hand into his, I shook it warmly. "One more time. Congratulations." He nodded at Philips and Sarah, then left.

After Dr. Isaac left, all hell broke loose.

* * * * *

"Can someone tell me what is happening?" Sarah asked, glaring at me angrily.

I was short of words at that moment. I really didn't know what I was supposed to say. Was I supposed to tell her the truth? That Farah herself didn't even know that I had slept with her? Funny. What was I supposed to tell them then? That Farah and I were having an affair? That would only make Farah look bad before them and I didn't want that, and when Farah find out that I had lied, she would never forgive me. That was the last thing I needed at this moment.

Of all the things in this earth, Farah's love was the only thing I craved at this time, not her hatred. I wanted her to love me as much as I loved her. Before I could give an answer to Sarah's question, Philips talked.

"How... I mean when... When Sarah and Farah first came to stay with us, I thought you and Farah hated each other because of the way you were acting towards each other, but..." Philips brow was drawn into thin lines and he looked confused, totally confused. "I still can't believe that you were having an affair."

"Farah and I weren't having an affair." I stated in a defensive tone.

"Then how come she's carrying your child instead of mine?" Philips snapped.

"Things are complicated here."

"Complicated?" Philips said in an irritating tone. "You mean impregnating my girlfriend is complicated? I need an explanation here and right now." Philips glared at me angrily.

"Listen." I said, returning his hard stare. I took a step closer to him. "Even Farah doesn't know that I slept with her."

"Oh my God! You...you drugged her." Sarah whispered in a frightened tone, her hands on her chest and her eyes had gone wide.

Who could be the father? Restricted.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant