Could I be the father? 15

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Later that day, after Philips and Sarah came, the police also came to ask questions.

"How did it happen? When? Where? Where were you when it happened? Was she the only one at home? We'll check for fingerprints on the knife. If we find anything, we'll let you know."

Sarah wouldn't stop asking me questions. "Do you really think she stabbed herself? No, she wouldn't do such a thing. Sarah couldn't even kill a cockroach not to talk of stabbing herself. But who could have done it? Oh my God." She groaned and burst into tears. I was really in a bad mood, so I left Philips to console her.

I looked at my brother and saw the sad look on his face. He was trying hard not to cry and I felt sorry for him. He still cared about Farah.

I stood up when I saw Dr. Isaac approaching us. He looked exhausted, and an unreadable expression was on his face.

"She's going to live." He said when he got to where we were standing. "Your prayer have been answered." He looked at Philips and Sarah then back at me. "We've done everything we can to save her. Her blood type was found and she's recieving treatment but it could take sometime before she woke up. Even days." Relief swept through me and I wanted to push Dr. Isaac away and run to where my Farah was. I needed to see her for myself but I remembered that the doctor hadn't mentioned the child.

Before I could ask, Dr. Isaac continued. "Concerning the child," His face fell and he looked sober. "The child has also loss blood, a lot. The knife went through the baby's thigh."

"What are you saying, doctor?" Sarah asked in a whispered tone.

"I'm saying that since we couldn't get the blood type of the child, we won't be left with a choice than to see what God will do. But I doubt if prayers would work in situation like this."

"You mean that the child will..." I couldn't bring myself to say the word. The doctor nodded.

"Since the mother's type is different from the child's. The only option left is the father's and since the father isn't here, then..."

"Of course, I'm here." Philips said quickly.

"You are the father of the child?"

"Yes." The three of us answered.

"Then you should come with me immediately. The rest should wait here." Philips and Dr. Isaac hurried away.

Sarah and I continued to pray for the child's safety. Few minutes later, Philips came towards us. His sad eyes shifted from mine to Sarah's. He looked sober.

"What happened?" Sarah asked impatiently. "Oh, Philips. Don't tell me that the child is dead. I don't want to listen." Sarah sobbed.

"The child is still there. It's just that my blood didn't match his."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm telling you that I'm not the father of that child."

I sighed heavily, deeply. I didn't know I was holding my breath until Philips said those words. Relief swept through me and I found tears sting to my eyes. The child was mine, I wanted to scream out but I would only be making a fool of myself. I started pacing about. Sarah still look shocked, her eyes still wide.

"Is someone going to tell me what is going on?" Philips asked angrily. Nobody answered. The news was a shocking one to all of us. Farah would also be shocked when she found out that she had been carrying another man's child.

Dr. Isaac approached us. "You guys made a mistake. Their blood didn't match. If we don't find the father in the next hour then..."

"You can test my blood, it could be a match." I said quickly.

"I'm sorry Mr..."


"Mr. Andrew. The only option we have left is the blood of the child's father. Yours won't be useful."

"Please." I said desperately. "It could be a match. Just give it a try."

"Okay." He sighed deeply. "Come with me."

After they had taken my blood, they told me to wait outside for the result. Sarah, Philips and I sat outside, waiting for the result.

Few minutes later, Dr. Isaac walked towards us with a saddened expression on his face. My heart started pounding. Was he going to bring bad news? What if it didn't match, who would be the father then? But Farah was always at home all the time except once in a while when all of us would go to the beach or to the market or go shopping.

Then the realization drawn to me. What if she had stabbed herself because she was having an affair and she already knew the father? What if she was already pregnant even before she came to stay with us? That night, when I slept with her, I hadn't met her as a virgin. What if she was sleeping with another man behind Philips back? I remembered that night I had gone into her room and slept with her, she had been crying. I had thought that she was only crying because she just lost her parent, but now as I remembered, other thought came into my mind.

Why had she refused to go with us to the birthday party that day? Was it because she was expecting someone? What if I wasn't the father after all, what would be my gain after all?

Different questions popped into my head without any answer to it. I stood on shaky legs just as Dr. Isaal stopped in front of us.

"Please God, don't let him give us another bad news." Sarah prayed silently.

Dr. Isaac sighed deeply and looked up at me. We all stood alert, waiting to hear his words, waiting to hear what my fate would bring for me.

* * * * *

Note: If Andrew's blood don't match, then our only option will be Uncle Richard.

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