Hate me not 12

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I started laughing so hard. Sarah was looking at me strangely.

"Farah?" She asked questioningly.

"Oh... Don't mind me." I said, waving my hand in front of my face to dismiss my stupidity. My laughter subsided. "So who is this lucky guy that bears the same name with my boyfriend?" I asked.

Sarah sighed deeply and stood up. She started pacing around. I waited for her as the seconds tick by. She stopped right in front of me and looked down at me. Tears were now plastered on her eyes and were about to roll over her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Farah." She whispered in a cracked voice. "I didn't know how it happened." My heart had started beating. I tried to calm myself in vain.

"What are you talking about?" My voice was shaking.

"I... I love him."

"Love who?"

"And he loves me too. I'm sure of it."

"I don't understand." I said. I felt tears rushing into my eyes. Sarah's tears were now rolling down her face.

"Your boyfriend is the father of this pregnancy." Sarah burst.

I breathed in a gasp. Suddenly, it was like every sound had been shut out from my ear. I couldn't hear anything except the pounding of my heart that continued to beat rapidly. I shook my head and closed my eyes as hot tears wet my lashes and rolled down my cheek.

"No, no, no. I don't believe you." I opened my eyes. I tried to stop the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. I tried to assure myself that Sarah was only lying, but the pained expression on her face told me everything.

"I'm sorry." She said through her tears. "Please forgive me."

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes as I tried to stop the tears. I started hitting my hands beside the bed. "No, none of this is happening. Please God, put a stop to all these." I screamed.

Thoughts of last eight months started coming to me. The day I received the call about my parents to the day my uncle raped me, to the day that Andrew had almost slept with me, even till the day my Uncle had tried to rape me again. Even after everything, I still had hope that Philips and I would be happy together, but I was mistaken because my sister was now carrying the child of my boyfriend. Not just my boyfriend, but my future husband.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain below my stomach.

"Aah." I groaned and held my stomach. I rolled to my side and gasped for breath.

Sarah's face was full of horror as she moved nearer to the bed.

"Oh my God. Farah, what's..."

"Don't." I said through my teeth and extended one of my palms to stop her from taking another step towards me. I continued to hold my stomach with the other hand. "Don't come near me."


"Get out." I groaned again and gritted my teeth together as I felt the pain again.

"No. You..."

"Just get out." I shouted so loud that the house shook. "Leave me alone. I don't want to see your face again." I shouted angrily.

Sarah look shocked and sad but she said nothing. She walked out slowly but gave me one more glance before she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Immediately she left, I burst into tears. I was now lying on the bed and was still holding my stomach. Everything that was happening around me felt like a dream but I knew better. I knew that it was real. I knew that I was totally ruined. My sister and I were carrying the same man's child.

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