My Uncle Again 5

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I stepped out of my room and walked through the corridor. I went into the sitting room and found everyone there except Alice. They knelt on the floor around a small table. I showed my perfect teeth as I walked towards them.

"Where have you been?" Philips asked, looking up at me.

"My room." I said, smiling down at him.

"Come here." He took my hand and pushed me gently beside him. I realized that they were watching a movie on a portable DVD.

"Which movie are you guys watching?" I asked.

"Moulin rouge." Sarah answered.

I've heard a lot about the movie. About how a courtesan fall in love with a sitar player. How the maharaja discovered their feelings for each other and wanted the sitar player dead.

I sat there thinking about how love always bring about pain. I stole a glimpse at Andrew. He face was furrowed as he concentrated on the movie. He shifted his gaze to face me but I quickly look away before he could catch me staring at him. I hope I wouldn't fall in love with Andrew because I didn't want to face more pain. I couldn't bear to face more pain.

"Where's Alice?" I asked Philips.

"Here." I heard her voice from behind. I snapped my head towards the voice and saw her seated on a chair at a corner. She was holding a bottle of water.

I was surprised to see her, sitting there alone. "What are you doing?" I asked, pushing myself upward and walking towards her until I stood in front of her.

"I told you earlier that I can't see clearly without my spectacles. You don't expect me to sit in front of a T.V that I can't see." She looked down, staring at a magazine on her lap.

"Can you see what you are reading?"

"No." She snapped and folded the magazine, throwing it on the small table beside her. She looked up at me but I was sure she couldn't see the expression on my face. I felt pity for her as I gazed at her innocent face.

"What took you so long? You said you needed a bottle of water and you stayed longer than I expected. What were you doing?" I was surprised by her question. Did she know anything? Thank God she couldn't see clearly. I didn't want her to see the blush on my face.

"I went to my room after taking the water. I realized that I wasn't looking that good, so I went to my room just to arrange myself." I explained, afraid that she wouldn't believe me.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Do you love Philips?" She asked. I was taken aback by the question and I dropped my mouth open and stared at her. It was a simple question, but yet it surprised me that I haven't even thought about it until now.

"She asked you a question." I heard Andrew's voice behind me, making me turn around. He stood there staring at me with a scowl on his face.

"I... I thought you were watching movie." I peeped behind him and saw that Philips and Sarah were still watching. Andrew leaned forward and whispered gently.

"I don't really like movies based on love. Love do not exist to me. I don't think I can love a woman that much. I can only feel lust for a woman, especially beautiful ones like you, but love?" He smirked. "That is the last feeling I would have for a woman." He said huskily.

"What is he talking about?" Alice asked behind me.

"I was telling her that she haven't answered the question you asked her." Andrew went and sat on the arm of the chair beside her. He looked up at me, smiling mockingly. "So tell us. Do you really love my brother or are you just interested in sex?"

Who could be the father? Restricted.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin