Stay with me 8

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That day, I searched for Andrew everywhere. I checked his room but it was locked. I checked the bathroom, kitchen and even outside but he was nowhere to be found. I wondered where he could have gone to. That day I was so worried that even Sarah noticed and asked me, but I told her that everything was fine. Philips and I chatted but my mind was somewhere else most of the time.

"Our love making was hot, wasn't it?" He asked me when Sarah excused herself and went to get a glass of water. I blushed and looked down, thinking about how he had made love to me two days ago.

"I didn't know that you were so good, and when I felt your release inside me, I knew that you are my mate forever."

"What are you guys talking about?" Sarah asked, coming in with a tray containing a bottle of wine and three glasses of cup.

"We were talking about..."

"It's private." Philips interrupted me.

"Oh!" Sarah placed the tray on the table and poured the wine into the cups. I took mine first, after then Philips and Sarah took theirs.

"So what are we celebrating here?" Philips asked after we were all seated.

"We are celebrating on behalf of the future husband and wife- Farah Randolph and Philips Alvin. Happy married life."




We lifted our drink and sipped from it.

"So tell me." I said after swallowing the drink. "Have anyone seen Andrew today?"

"He went to pay Alice a visit." Philips answered.

"Oh." I said, lifting the glass to my lips again. I hope he was having a good time.

We sat down for a few minutes, savoring each other's drink.

"Ladies." Philips called, and Sarah and I both looked his way. "I won't be staying home tonight because my boss is celebrating his birthday tonight and everybody needs to be present. I'm sure everyone will be fine without me."

"You won't be staying home tonight?" I asked.

"Yes. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing." I replied.

"Don't mind her Philips. I told her earlier today that I won't be home tonight too, that I'm going to a friend's house to spend the night with him."

"Oh... I understand." Philips nodded in understanding.

Sarah had told me that morning that Sam (the guy that we met at uncle Richard's party), had invited her to his home and that she would not be home until the next morning. Now Philips was also leaving and Andrew was nowhere to be found. I would be alone today again. I only wished that Uncle Richard wouldn't come visiting again.

"It's not like you will be staying home alone tonight. Andrew will be home with you. So don't worry, hm?" Philips soothed.

I nodded. I would be alone with Andrew tonight, exactly what I deserved.

The three of us chatted for hours. I expected seeing Andrew any moment, but until Sarah received a phone call, got dressed and left, Andrew still hadn't arrived. Few minutes later, before eight. Philips co-workers came to pick him up. After he left, I was left alone in this house. I went to the kitchen and took scrambled eggs with bread from the fridge. I also took some water with me to the sitting room to eat, so that I would hear when Andrew comes back.

I ate all my food but Andrew still hadn't arrived. I took the dirty dishes to the kitchen, where I disposed them and went back to the sitting room. I looked at the wall clock and saw that it was 21:45. I rested my back on the cushion chair and switched on the T.V with the remote. Nothing interesting was happening, so I switched it off, stood up and went and insert one of Mariah Carey's song into the recorder. I went back to the chaise lounge and laid on it, listening to the beautiful melody that filled the sitting room. I closed my eyes as sleep took possession of my body.

Hours later, I snapped my eyes opened and sat up immediately, my eyes wide open, my heart beating like crazy, my mind blank. My cell phone started throbbing in my jeans pocket, it's tone so loud it filled the room. I pulled it out, staring at the number I.D on it. It was Andrew's.


"Open this damn door now." Andrew snapped on the other end. I blinked, looking confused.


"I said, open the door to the sitting room."

Just then, I heard the chime of the door, the sound blasting through the room.

"I'm coming." I grumbled and cut the line. I stood up slowly and made my way to the door. I unlocked it and pulled it open to reveal Andrew. It was raining heavily outside and Andrew was wet from his hair to toes. His hair clung to his face and his clothes clung to his body, bringing out his shape and making him look sexy and hot.

"Will you get out of my way or will you just stand there and be staring at me?" He asked in an irritating voice.

"Sorry." I replied, stepping aside for him to come in and trying hard not to laugh.

He made his way past me and into the sitting room. Water was dripping from his body. I looked at the wall clock and saw that it was already five minutes past midnight.

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